♥ Khelli ♥ profile picture

♥ Khelli ♥

It's All Me Now.

About Me

I am a beautiful ambitious girl who, next december will be a beautiful ambitious young woman. I don't really know if I need a boy friend right now, unless it's somebody who can compete with the simple standards of having a plan for his life, who is really interested in his education, and eventually wants to have a great job, life, and family. I know this is like a one and a million chance of me finding a cute, cool guy of that sature. Maybe he'll be out there one day...By the way those are pics of me and my fam.... But mostly me....:pBTW... I espeacially love the pic of me and my sis, and me n muh lil cuz, Alex, And..... My Mommy!
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My Interests

My education, My health... I do have a bad habit but, I don't have to tell right now. :)

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet some one who is real down-to-earth, and is interested in me for my smarts, not my parts. I'd like to meet a guy who has some intrests like mine, however originality is a great atribute to posses. If any charming guy feels the same, then maybe it would be great if he would like to meet a girl like me... Maybe? But seriously, no couch potatoes... And no "Ircles"... (m-JuS-pLaYn) :) I'm not shallow, but a lil atheltics never hurt anyone right?..


I like mostly R&B, Hip-hop or what ever you wanna call it, you know the radio station that's not Gosple, Country, Instrumental, or Rock...However, I don't a prejudice towards other types of music. I like some country; a few Carrie Underwood songs, ya know somthing with that type of feel. I like some rock songs, but i really don't mess to much with gosple or intrumental, but their okay... for anyone else,(lol). I really don't get into too much Rap.But,(NO MATTER WHAT) Mariah comes first!I love Mimi!


I generally like comedies, but I can't do Scary movies, because anymore they're just gross and not scary. I can get into some action but you know, everybody loves a good laugh!


I love Desperate House Wifes, they're the greatest!!! I live for Nip/Tuck! Basically besides those two shows, I am a cartoon freak! I love Spongebob, and I love almost everything that comes on Cartoon Network...especially after 10:00-10:30pm... Can't enogh of that, Robot Chicken!


I generally don't read unless I'm having trouble sleeping at that time, you know cause it relaxes my mind, or if i'm bored, depressed or the t.v. doesn't work...


Mariah Carey.... she's my idle! A Democratic president, and you might think this is corny but... My Wonderful Mother. She's the reason I turned out to be this beautiful tree, and not just a bad seed. Anyhow, I hope you liked reading this, so if you're interested, you know... I guess... YOU SHOULD WRITE!!!!