Mandalyn profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I am married and have two of the cutest sons you will ever see! I live in So Cal and love it! I like the beach but my favorite thing is wake boarding. I am an outdoorsy active person - who the heck wants to sit on a couch all day?! I joined to keep in touch with old friends and the current ones that I just never see. I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

My two boys, photography, art, music, extreme sports like wake boarding, snowboarding, riding my dirt bike (baseball and basketball are boring), reading a good book, and working on getting a skate park built in my town.

I'd like to meet:

A really good studio photographer to teach me studio lighting. My newest conquest.


I love alternative, rock and punk - can't stand country music or R&B dance crap.


I like Romantic Comedy and action. I hate scary movies!


I am hooked on Lost! I also love Monk.


I mostly like mysterys. But anything that is a good read works for me. I loved A million Little Pieces by James Fry - if you did not read it - go get it! I am always reading something - I don't feel whole if I am not carrying a book around with me! Yes - I am a nerd.