* Kaylin * profile picture

* Kaylin *

I am here for Friends

About Me

Nightswimming by REM--------Nightswimming deserves a quiet night- The photograph on the dashboard, taken years ago,- Turned around backwards so the windshield shows- Every streetlight reveals the picture in reverse- Still, it's so much clearer- I forgot my shirt at the water's edge- The moon is low tonight-Nightswimming deserves a quiet night- I'm not sure all these people understand- It's not like years ago,- The fear of getting caught,- Of recklessness and water- They cannot see me naked- These things, they go away,- Replaced by everyday-Nightswimming, remembering that night- September's coming soon- I'm pining for the moon- And what if there were two- Side by side in orbit- Around the fairest sun?- That bright, tight forever drum- Could not describe nightswimming-You, I thought I knew you- You, I cannot judge- You, I thought you knew me,- This one laughing quietly underneath my breath- Nightswimming-The photograph reflects,- Every streetlight a reminder- Nightswimming deserves a quiet night, deserves a quiet night-

My Interests

I love singing, music, and dancing (especialy swing). I also write a lot of poetry and I do some drawing, painting, and art. I have so much fun swinging on the swings or playing on bars in parks it's crazy. I am learning to play the guitar. I love it. It is so cool to acctualy be able to sing and play. I also like decorating and designing and altering my clothes to make them the way I want them. I love just hanging with my friends or my entire family. Get togethers are awesome. I also love going on group dates... So if your ever in the mood for a good time... j/k - Anyways thats me - like it or not!

I'd like to meet:



I listen mainly to Rock and alternative.


I like action, scary, and disney movies the most.

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I dont really watch a whole lot of T. V. Sorry guys!


Books are pretty awesome!I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4


My mom is my hero. And my sister Starla- she made me put that!

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My Blog


Sometimes I just cant place what is going on in my life.  It's weird.. Sometimes I just want it to stop for a minute so I can hold onto something. It seems like it goes so fast and everything is ...
Posted by * Kaylin * on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 01:47:00 PST