•°¤°·.·•*UnFoRgEtAbLe Me*•·.·°¤°†profile picture

•°¤°·.·•*UnFoRgEtAbLe Me*•·.·°¤°â€

3 yUzZzA DoNkEy 3

About Me

I am everyday learning and understanding why I made choices, what I learned, and who it made me today. God does not judge or define us on our wrong doings but how well we learn through the lessons he hands us everyday. Something I learned that has helped me to heal and move forward was the word forgiveness. I had to forgive myself for my past, people I hurt, and people that hurt me... everything. It's in christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for, long before we first heard of christ...He had his eye on us before we were even concieved. We are made by him and for him...and in him we will discover our purpose. In Gods purpose for my life I will not allow anyone to stand in judgement of me or the life I choose to create through God. At the end of my life on earth, it will be God that I will stand before. God has a plan and purpose for everyone, it was planned before anybody knew you were coming. God gave us the gift of life.. we are not guaranteed tomorrow.. so we live each moment of everyday. Each and everyone of us has something better in store for us.. God promised this.. Earth is not our final home. Life on earth is a temporary assignment.. its preparing us for the next life. As long as we put our love and faith in God, you cant fail reaching the next life.. the life they call going home.I pray to start over. No matter what has happened, I am willing to let today be new. THANK U for the chance to begin again. Everything that happens to me is a part of the plan for my good. When I give love to another, I feed my soul. My power comes from being what I am. I am bigger than fear, I step forward and live in the light. My happiness depends on me, I choose my joy now. I am here for a mighty purpose. I change the world by following my truth. I honor my tender thoughts, feelings, and visions. I surround myself with people, energies, and influences for success. I choose my freedom and live in a forgiven world. God is the only power. Love is the only reality, nothing in the outer world can have power over me because God is in my. I am as God created me. I remeber who I am. All experiances stregthen me. Finally, What God made me is His gift to me; what I make of myself is my gift to God. I am always safe in God:)

My Interests

:::GrAduAtInG CLaSs Of 05'::: :::BrItTaNy...jAiL bUdDy::: :::RaChIe N Me::: :::LeAh=50% TrOuBLe Me= 50% TrOuBLe...ToGeThEr= 100% TrOuBLe::: :::KeViN&JaBaRi&AnDrEw RoLL oN dA SoUtHsIde::: :::ChRiS N DaVeY BoY::: :::JaMiE:MiKe:JoEy:ChRiS::: :::JaMiE N ChErEa::: :::NaTe N LeAh::: :::LeAh N Me::: :::MuPpEtT::: :::LeAhCaNt::: :::KaTiE N KrIsSy:::
WaLk ThRoUgH tHiS WoRLd WiTh Me LoRd, I NeEd YoU 2 GuIdE mY WaY LoRd..WhAtEvEr BeTiDe My LiFe iS aN UnKnOwN PaTh LoRd aNd tHe WaY I CaNnOt SeE So, PLeAsE tAke mY hAnD LoRd aNd WaLk ThRoUgH tHiS WoRLd WiTh Me -IsAiAh 41:13::YoUr FaCe:: LuV U TrAvIsBrOo N SiSs


I LuV aLL DiFfErEnT KiNdS oF MuSic... I LuV JoUrNeY ThEy WiLL NeVeR GeT OLd... MaRiAh CaReY, T-PaIn, ChRiS BrOwN, MaC DrE, YoUng DrU, CHaMiLLioNaRe, FrAnChiSe BoYs, PreTtY RiCky, GeNuInE, KeAk Da SnEaK, MiKe JoNeS, RaY J, NeLLy, MiSta FaB, BrIaN McKnIgHt, SaN QuINn, DuBeE, AsHaNtI,, E4o, DaNiTy KaNe, BoW WoW, CiArA, MaRiAh Carey, CaDdiLLaC DoN, CiArA, KeLLy CLarKsOn,FaItH HiLL, DaMiAn MaRLeY, ZiGgY MaRLeY,AkOn, SnOoP DoGg ****


ThE NoTeBoOk iS tHe BeSt LuV MoViE!!!! I LuV 2 WaTcH aLL sCaRy MoViEs..


BeAuTy N tHe GeEk... LaGuNa BeAcH.. ReAL WoRLd DeNvEr... FrIeNdS..NEXT! .. PaRenTaL CoNtRoL... TyRa BaNkS ShOw..ThE HiLLs...BoY MeEtS WoRLd...KiNg Of QuEeNs..WiLd N OuT...SuPeR SwEeT SiXtEeN... MuSiC VidEos...


YeSsS I OwN tHe BiG BoOk OnE.. YeA KnOw tHe OnE yOu ReAd FoR ALcHoLiCs AnNoyMoUs.. YeA I NeEd AA! Dr. PhiLL BoOkS..A PuRpOsE DrIvEn LiFe By RiCk WaRrEn (ReALLy GoOoD)


FaItH HiLL, KeLLy CLaRkSoN, CaRrIe UnDeRwOoD, ScArLeTt JoHanSoN, MaRiLyN MoNrOe, KeViN, KaTiE, RaCheL, MoM N DaD

My Blog

PeRsPeCtIvE oF LuV

When you think of your past love,you may view it as a failure. But when you find a new love, you view the past as a teacher.In the game of love, it doesn't really matter who won or who lost. What is i...
Posted by "°¤°·.·"*UnFoRgEtAbLe Me*"·.·°¤°" on Tue, 06 Sep 2005 01:13:00 PST


? Birthdays ? -----------JANUARY--------------One of the beautiful people. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Sensitive. Down-to-Earth. S...
Posted by "°¤°·.·"*UnFoRgEtAbLe Me*"·.·°¤°" on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 12:29:00 PST

DaiLy InSpiRaTiOnS

If only you could love, you would be the most powerfulbeing in the world. Love is the power that moves the universe, and it isaching need of our world. If only we stood for love aswe have for fear. Pr...
Posted by "°¤°·.·"*UnFoRgEtAbLe Me*"·.·°¤°" on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 12:12:00 PST

As We GrOw Up

  As we grow up, we learn that even the one      person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down      probably will. You will have your heart broken probably  ...
Posted by "°¤°·.·"*UnFoRgEtAbLe Me*"·.·°¤°" on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 12:01:00 PST

Appreciation **

I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend. He referred to the date on the tombstone from the beginning, until the end. he noted that first came the date of birth; second date,...
Posted by "°¤°·.·"*UnFoRgEtAbLe Me*"·.·°¤°" on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 03:52:00 PST

12 RuLeS ShOuLd KnOw AbOuT UrSeLf

1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours the entire period.2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called Life. Each day in this ...
Posted by "°¤°·.·"*UnFoRgEtAbLe Me*"·.·°¤°" on Sun, 04 Sep 2005 07:28:00 PST