[AJ] profile picture


dance puppets.. DANCE!!

About Me

OK, OK, I GIV! I've been anti-myspace from the jump but ill admit it.. this is SOOOOO EXCITING! Guess its time to finally let the cat out huh? ...5/2/06...ok well, about me.. hmmm. im a pretty even mix of intro and extroverted. Im a super fun loving guy that everyone happens to lo... well almost everyone happens to love. I just havent gotten around to meeting everyone yet. Im always easy going and am serious when necessary. I like to act goofy on purpose sometimes just to try to make you pee your pants. laughing is the greatest high you can experience! especially when mixed with your average vancouver, garden variety, recreational drug habbits. such as huffing gas, sniffing glue, and inhaling aerosol! yeah... ummm... no. Im above the influence. accept for when im laughing of course. I like long walks in the park, embraces under sunsets, holding hands, and feeling sand between my toes... oops! got a little carried away there for a sec. Im not into the whole online dating thing but ill try anything at least three or four times ;) Im in guy gone wild mode these days so if you see me bouncing off the walls, feel free to join in! also, on the rare occasion where you happen to see me being a wallflower (thumbs way down by the way). just gimme a nice tap to the cheek n tell me to snap out of it! partying is not a spectator sport!!! for those of you who dont know me yet, ill just leave you with this last lil tid bit of info... *********DIRECTIONS FOR USE: if you havent tried A.J. before, start taking slowly for the first two or three days to build tolerance. then gradually increase dosages. A.j. has been known to increase seretonin levels to dangerously high proportions. substance abuse and addiction have been reported so user discretion is advised. WARNING: keep out of reach of children. do not use if pregnant or nursing or are allergic to crown, corona, or any other type of alcoholic beverage. not intended for use by persons under 18. these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration but is 100% U.S.D.A approved. ENJOY !!! MySpace Layouts @ HOT FreeLayouts.com

My Interests

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My Blog

...just so i dont have to keep typing this...

my nationality is somewhat of an enigma to me.. how these ingredients got *shaken, not stirred* together.. well... only god knows. and i really have to give it up to him cause.. well... look at me!! T...
Posted by AJ of Voodoo Promotions on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 01:43:00 PST