Won Fish Too Fish Read Fish Blew Fish profile picture

Won Fish Too Fish Read Fish Blew Fish

Let me be your favorite nightmare

About Me

.What They Call Me:Won Fish Two Fish Read Fish Blew Fish
Why They Know Me:I’m here, I’m there, I’m everywhere and at same time for some reason it’s hard to find me.
Age:24 and a half
Why I Have This Page:I blog about life and sometimes I think I get it right. People seem to respect my opinion
Status:Does any one even look at this any more? Just check out my pics and decide if I’m worthy
About WonFish... can you handle it?If you’ve made it this far… congratulations. I’m pretty much a big time social butterfly but I hate being bothered with ignorance. I’m silly 60 percent of the time, serious 60 percent of the time, innovative and creative 80 percent of the time and chances are if you catch me on the streets, you'd never even expect the things I've got in my head or any of the things you read here... I'm just that effin amazing!... but I wear it calmly and pretty damn smooth.
Let's say for the sake of argument that you are still reading and you've found my words to be interesting and my appearance to be 'not so bad'... now I get to brag a bit. I'm a software engineer, I'm almost 25 and I've accomplished a whole lotta noteworthy things in my life including attaining an engineering degree from Princeton University and having the ability to travel the country and the world on different occasions. If you send a friend request and don't get accepted, it's only because I thought you were a porn site so just send me a note and I gotcha.
Thanks to everyone who tuned into FWNBTD's up and coming radio show last week... hosted by CaShawn, The BlogXilla and myself, Mr. WonFish
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The Man Who Touched Me... In a Special Way
Men: Venus, Girls: Mars... but Football is Universal!
Crown Snatching 101... Blog-Beef Basics
U Can Get With This... Or U Can Get With That
BlogDreaming (and Mexico Pics)
He... Did it Again!
Ever wondwer what a guy really wants
Get Down Girl... Go Head Get Down
Secret Garden -- Sex Stories
The Never Ending Story
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