Collaborating with others
Improving my technical skills
Developing undervalued low risk projects
Investing in future technologies and methodologies
Those who have been marginalized, degraded, mismanaged, existentially institutionalized, disinformed, irritated, threatened in an intentionally belligerent fashion, agitated, disrespected, disregarded.
Those who live constantly in a state of DREAD.
No Victims; Only Volunteers Please.
Those who would like to collaborate on media projects of the following nature:
-Busby Berkeley spectacle with Communist propaganda military dancing
-Fetishism contrasting with Asceticism
-Gender and Race issues, or other signifiers of identity
-Charisma as justification for enforcing indentured servitude
-Space Opera
Richie Hawtin, Pete Namlook, Speedy J, Prodigy, Brian Eno, The Melvins, Squarepusher, The Misfits, Peaches, Le Tigre, Future Sound of London (Amorphous Androgynous), Eon, DJ John B, Zero 7, 4Hero, DJ John Kelley, Uberzone,
You can connect to my netflix account by pasting this link into your browser: oQAlthough it was considered a flop in its day, one of my favorite films is 'Sorcerer,' a re-make of 'The Wages of Fear' (H.G. Clouzot) directed by William Friedkin and starring Roy Scheider- definitely one of the grittiest films I've seen. I'm extremely fond of Jean Renoir (Grand Illusion, The River), Dreyer (Ordet, The Passion of Joan of Arc), Bergman (Virgin Spring, Persona), Godard (Weekend), Pasolini (Salo), Kubrick (ALL FILMS), Coppola (Godfather Part 2, Apocalypse Now-Original Release), Ridley Scott (Blade Runner- all versions, Legend). Aristocats, Breakin' 2 : Electric Boogaloo, Repoman,
Doctor Who, Blake's 7, The Prisoner, Astro Cat and Minute Mouse, Samurai Pizza Cats,
Dune Series, 1984, Red Mars (Kim Stanley Robinson), 2001: A Space Odyssey, Walden, Pere Goriot (Honore de Balzac), The Second Sex (Simone de Beauvoir), The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Series (but not the recent movie- awful!)
Joseph Campbell, Robert McKee, Ron DeMaio, William Blake, Jamie Skye Bianco, Dan Gurskis, Yogananda Parahamsa, Tarthang Tulku- all my favorite musicians and music producers