<R o s y>* One love. One heart.* profile picture

&lt;R o s y&gt;* One love. One heart.*

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The names is Tiffany. I don't label myself so don't ask me to. I love to be different. Normal is for squares. Most things on earth are extremly over rated. I dislike cocky people with a passion.
Earth is being destroyed more and more every 24hours. Instead of people doing something about it we sit around with our nose in the air and help with the process. I dont see the point in alot of things, such as drama. Im not interested in being a part of it so don't come to me with it. Im single. And i like it that way, but it has it's lonely moments. Some people ask me why im still single, my answer to that is: I havent met a guy wroth dating and if i have were probably too good of friends. I have the BEST FRIENDS in the world and i would not trade a thing for any of them. I recently lost someone who meant so much and more to me, she was always there and words could not explain how much i will miss her. KATIE GOMEZ you are my best friend and no number of miles will change that. I like to go out and party with friends. Im one of the nicest persons you will ever meet. Im not 2 face and i hate trash talking about people. But i won't lie i do it from time to time. I love my family with all my heart, without them i would be NOTHING . I will admit i can be super slow, but that doesnt make you smarter or better than me. Music is my world. If you know me well enough than there is no need to say i could care LESS if you like me or not, unless you fall under my significance list. I work at the The Grand Theater it's my first job and i love it. If your here to judge me your not only waisting YOUR time but MINE . I am who i am. Take it, or freaking leave it. I BELIVE IN LOVING PEOPLE FOR WHO THEY ARE. NOT WHAT COLOR THEY ARE.Layout made by xXxCosplayRiotxXx

My Interests

Kathleen Marie Gomez. Is a complete and different person than I. We act different. We sometimes dress different. We have differnt taste. And we live different lifestyles. But when we get together you couldn't tell. This girl is my Best friend and has been for 4 years. We get in Disagreements sometimes and they are always over something dumb. For example i got mad at her for talking to her boyfriend all night yet she was mad at me for watching a marthon of old Gonzilla movies all night. We have had so many fun times together. No matter what happens we have always been there for each other. It use to be you couldn't see one without the other but as time went on miles divide us and made it difficult to hang yet didn't have an affect on our friendship.Frist words can change your life because in 7th grade the words "I like your bookbag" changed mine. It gave me a great friend who could never be replaced. I love her like a sister. She's moveing to washington and i will miss her dearly. Nobody in the world could take her place, so don't think about trying..you'll only get rejected.

I'd like to meet:

This is Hunter! Hunter is so freaking awesome and so much fun to hang out with. He is great lister and always knows what say no matter what mood im in. We have alot in common and we can make anything in world enjoyable. He my Gansta V-Shake and Im his Rosy. Although hunter has an addiction to egg drop soup you have to love him. I have so many memories with this kid and not a single one i would change. He is probally the only person i would ever think about being the last people slow dancing while having thumb war expect with our pinkys (yeah were werid kids ..so what) in the cafe with all the lights on. Hunter is one of the few people i can truly open up to. I trust this kid completly and love him to death This is KT! I have known KT for about 4 years now...she is like my best friend! She is cool to hang out with and can be outgoing....WE HAVE ARE OWN SPORT TO ...it's called BUTT WERSTLING...wanna play? We are complety different when it comes down to most stuff ...but that doesn't stand in the way of our friendship.......LOVE YA GURL. This is Wendy! She is an awesome friend. She's really cool to hang out with and kinda slow...just like me...SO WE GET ALONG GREAT. Jk love ya Wendy! This is Cody!I have known Cody for almost 3 and a half years now and he never fails to surprise me! He is a very random person, and a great friend! He is awsome to hang around to. I love you Cody! This is Jermey! He is also a very random person, buts thats ok because i still love ya!! I'm his waffles so ha! lol. He is a very funny person and awsome to hang around...KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK ...tee hee! This is Larry! Larry is one of the most original people i have ever met. He is super funny, really random, and a sweetheart. He is kinda easy to talk to (when he is not making silly faces in the middle of the convo). Hanging out with Larry and the rest of our "group" is one of my favorite things. When your with Larry it is a fact that you will be laughing....alot. I have not met anyone like him and im not looking to. He is one of kind and a great friend! I FREAKING ADORE THIS KID TO DEATH! This is Nathan! Nathan is utterly amazing, he is the nicest, sweetest, most caring person ever! Nobody in the whole wide world could ever replace or be compared to him! He is one of bestest friends and i freaking adore the heck out of him. There is so much to say about Nathan so Im going to make a list.... 1. He is super sweet 2. He adores his gf so much and it's so cute 3. He is a great listener 4. He is sooo much fun 5. Even when he is making fun of me i can't help but laugh 6. All of his jokes are a daily activity in my life 7. He is really easy to talk to 8. He is best person to crack jokes about retared country people with(kids in our class) 9. He loves playing Guitar and Cherry pie and Paula are best friends =) 10. He is just one of the greatest guys Love you much Nathan! This is Tirzah! I have known Tirzah snice 6th grade and we have had our times (lol all that drama in six grade) but never the less i absoutly love this girl. She is one of my best friends. She has ALWAYS been there, sad or happy. Tirzah is very out going and never scared to speak her mind...she will stick up for her friends in a nano second and she loves to party!! Hang out with this girl for a day and your going have some funny stuff going on. I don't think I have or ever will meet a girl that could replace her. She diffently has a place in my heart. This is Lindsay! When I think of a friend I have shared every single emotion with I think of her. I have known Lindsay since Day Care..so you can only start to think about all the stuff we have been through together. She is life long friend, and one of my best friends. I don't get to see or talk to her as much as i would like, but I still love her to death. She is so crazy and fun that it's insane, nobody could ever replace her and Im not looking for anyone to replace her. When im with Lindsay i can be my self. I freaking love her and miss her to death. She is just amazing. This is Stephany! I have known her since 8th grade, and we have so many inside jokes its not even funny....me and this girl no how to have some fun in the mud with a go cart...then seeing that we are both completly culeless ...that makes it even funier lol...I love you! This is Daniel! I have known this kid for maybe 3 years now..and he is awsome as heck! I still remember the first time i met you to lol....good times good times..Daniel is by far one of the coolest people ever! This is Bire! She is amazing. She is always there for me no matter what and always knows what to say. No matter where you are with her you always going to have fun. She has major kick butt getting guys skills (lol which i shall have one day)and is one of the prettiest girls i know!! This chick and I go back all the way to freaking 4th grade. She is a True friend and i highly doudt that anyone will be able to compare to her. Bire Yoe has a place in my heart. This is Katie! All i can say is WOW. I really have not known for that long but she is becoming one of my really good friends at the speed of light. We have so much in common and she is just crazy...like me =). Katie is super easy to talk to and a uber good listener. Snice I have started "opening up" to her she has always been there for me. This chick is great. This is Tyler! He's a silly lil boy but you gotta love him. I guess you could say we have been friends since 8th but just recently started talking more and he is amazingly awesome.Funny,Cute,Charming..the works. Lol. Like all of my friends he is really fun to talk and hang out with. We have alot in common and I hear he has (magic powers) kinda like jesus but sexyer ya know. HA =)(inside joke). Although he has this werid idea that he can school me in pinball (i can take him tee hee..)he is still an UNLIMTED KICK BUTT PERSON. Love ya!When i fall in love I take my time, theres no need to hurry when im making up my mind, you can turn off the sun, but im still gonna shine =]Tiffany you are the most amazing....



