Helping others. Christian music. Being a people person. Writing poetry. Please read and vote- click the link below.Link below
Jesus- My Saviour.
My Kenyan prayer partner- Peter.
My prayer partner in India Lilly also in India Pastor Chad Poorna,
Band members of The Well Experience
My deceased Native American Great Grandmother Blair
I'd like to see again, my friend, David Williams
My major was in music. I'm not a fan of rap, however a friend has recently brought to my attention one rap that I understand and like so I have changed my opinion in that regard. Thank you Wingduster! I like a wide variety of music from acoustic to zydeco.
Ben Hur, Sound of Music, The Ten Commandments, Song of Norway, The Good The Bad and the Ugly
Promiseland TV (Channel 47 Greenville, TX) Ugly Betty, Dancing with the Stars
The Bible, The Chronicles of Narnia, Brian Jacques' Redwall Series, The Myth Adventure Series by Robert Asprin, Piers Anthony's Xanth Series, One Minute Manager
Jesus, Rex, Michael, Keven Costlow (Thanks Kev!)