The decorator profile picture

The decorator

I don't trust him. We're friends.-Bertolt Brecht

About Me

My name is Victoria, but everyone calls me Tori. I Love my friends, I love Drinking, i Love music and i love the beach
---- Aim me @ Calichic936---- NaTeS Apt. CrAzY JaReD AnD HuRriCanE!
ThAt'S Me In DonNyS $300 PaIr Of BeNt GLaSsEs

Gillys bday!

InFaMoUs BaThRoOm PiC @ ThE HoTeL
GuEsS WheRe I aM
Me, CrYsTaL, EriCa And SoMe RanDoM ClAm On A BiKe
BiLLy, TBagGs AnD sNoOp @ ThE DuNeS

RiDiN' DiRt BiKeS @ ThE DuNeS
WeB CaMs ArE fUn!

My Interests

Pajama Party!!
All I gOt WaS TeN DoLLaRs

Off The Wall
We LoVe OuR BaByCaKeS!

PiSmo BeAcH, TrYinG tO gEt A tAn
[WaLk It OuT KrEw]

My BiRtHdAy BeForE ChEeSeCaKe 19 BabY
FrEkIn' NePtUnE ScRaTcHeD mE FoR No ReAsOn
Hi My NaMe Is TaPs, WHo? TaPs, JoHnNy TaPs
MaDe HiStOrY @ ThE GuM wALL
TiSs, ArT, Me And RaNdoM KeItH iN tHe BaCk

JaReDs BiRtHdAy, UgLieSt NuMber, BoMbEsT GuY

JaReD AnD I In SLo! GoOdTiMeS

NaTeS ApT. ThE ScAnDeL BeGiNs!!

My BrOtHeR DrEwSkie And I @ ThE BeAcH
I LoVe RaNdOm PiCs
I LoVe MaCs. JaReD EriC aNd Me.
I Love the beach.
My other brother.

ZoOmeD Innnn

I'd like to meet:

I'm feelin' fergie

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