Tell Me About Yourself - The Survey
Name:: Taryn
Birthday:: 12/1/1983
Birthplace:: new britain, ct
Current Location:: wilmington,NC
Eye Color:: blue
Hair Color:: blond
Height:: 5'9
Right Handed Or Left Handed:: lefty
Your Heritage:: german,welsh,scottish,irish,lithuanian,polish,russian
The Shoes You Wore Today:: black tweed converse
Your Weakness:: my dog and lots of coffee drinks
Your Fears:: fire,heights,buried alive,embarassment,my own wrath
Your Perfect Pizza:: mushroom
Goals You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: be a success
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger:: stfu
Thoughts First Waking Up:: hoping for a harmonious day
Your Best Physical Feature:: eyes or hair? dunno
Your Bedtime:: early
Your Most Missed Memory:: connecticut circa 1997-1998
Pepsi Or Coke:: sparkling mineral water, don't drink soda its bad for u!!!
McDonalds Or Burger King:: i try not to eat fastfood if i can help it
Single Or Group Dates:: single
Lipton Ice Tea Or Nestea:: teas teas jasmine green tea yum no sugar
Chocolate Or Vanilla:: vanilla
Cappucino Or Coffee:: frap with no whip
Do You Smoke:: yes
Do You Swear:: yes
Do You Sing:: yes
Do You Shower Daily:: yes
Have You Been In Love:: in and out
Do You Want To Go To College:: undecided
Do You Want To Get Married:: undecided
Do You Believe In Yourself:: sometimes
Do You Get Motion Sickness:: yes
Do You Think You Are Attractive:: i have my good days and my boo boo days
Are You A Health Freak:: yes
Do You Get Along With Your Parents:: most of the time
Do You Like Thunderstorms:: visually only
Do You Play An Instrument:: nope
In The Past Month Have You Drank Alcohol:: no
In The Past Month Have You Smoked:: yes
In The Past Month Have You Been On Drugs:: myob
In The Past Month Have You Gone On A Date:: no
In The Past Month Have You Gone To The Mall:: no
In The Past Month Have You Eaten A Box Of Oreos:: no
In The Past Month Have You Eaten Sushi:: yes
In The Past Month Have You Been On Stage:: no
In The Past Month Have You Been Dumped:: no
In The Past Month Have You Gone Skinny Dipping:: no
In The Past Month Have You Stolen Anything:: no but ive had something broken
Ever Been Drunk:: yes
Ever Been Called A Tease:: yes
Ever Been Beaten Up:: no
Ever Shoplifted:: no
How Do You Want To Die:: how do u wanna die?
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up:: happy
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit:: paris,france
Which Flower are You?
You are a Lily:You are graceful, gentle, calm, and pure and perhaps a little shy (though your shyness is part of your charm). You are a very honorable person who always wants to do the right thing. Your calm attitude has a soothing effect on others.Symbolism: The lily has long been used as a symbol of majesty, honor, chastity, and purity of heart.
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Which 1950's PIN-UP Girl are you??
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You scored as Jayne Mansfield
Jayne Mansfield
Betty Grable
Mariyln Monroe
Betty Page
Audrey Hepburn
Mae West
38%A 41-inch bust and a lot of perseverance will get you more than a cup of coffee - a lot more. Jayne MansfieldA woman should be pink and cuddly for a man. Jayne MansfieldCarrying a baby is the most rewarding experience a woman can enjoy. Jayne MansfieldCary Grant was one of the most marvelous men I've ever met. Jayne MansfieldI am a movie star. Jayne MansfieldI do know that God created us equal and we're not living up to it. Jayne MansfieldI like being a pin-up girl. There's nothing wrong with it. Jayne MansfieldI will never be satisfied. Life is one constant search for the betterment for me. Jayne MansfieldIf you're going to do something wrong, do it big, because the punishment is the same either way. Jayne MansfieldIt is the most wonderful feeling in the world, knowing you are loved and wanted. Jayne MansfieldMen are creatures with two legs and eight hands. Jayne MansfieldMost girls don't know what to do with what they've got. Jayne MansfieldWe eat a lot of lean meat and fresh vegetables. Jayne MansfieldWe take our children everywhere we go. I don't believe in having them and then leaving them to someone else to bring up. Jayne MansfieldWe were into something so beautiful. Mickey and I had a grasp of life that most people never know anything about. Jayne MansfieldWhen I'm 100 I'll still be doing pin-ups. Jayne MansfieldYou gotta have a body. Jayne Mansfield
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