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^vertigo & almost anything hitchcock, werner herzog, alejandro jodorowsky, jan svankmajer, sam peckinpah, sergio leone & most westerns, matewan, dead man, beyond the valley of the dolls, the orginal solaris, oldboy, a tale of two sisters, satyricon, johnny guitar, jean cocteau's beauty & the beast, tokyo drifter, UGETSU
philip k dick, milan kundera, gunter grass, kenneth patchen, reinaldo arenas, e. e. cummings, robinson jeffers, leonard cohen, herman hesse, lao-tzu, chang-tzu, euripides, fyodor dostoevsky, august strindberg, georg trakl, rilke, jacques prevert, the popol vuh, hagakure, tale of genji, hanuman press, r. crumb, lynda barry, dan clowes
florian fricke, eratosthenes