Howard profile picture



About Me

Adopted at 7 days of age by older parents (they were born in 1912 and 1913) I was raised by WWII parents. Both parents were retired when I arrived so we travelled and I had a great childhood with them. Of course I lost both of them early (dad when I was 16, mom when I was 25), but I really enjoyed what they taught me and am very thankful for the 3 older brothers and one older sister that I have.I am married (no, not the first time) to the most amazing person in the world. I have three beautiful children, enjoy a very successful career and most of all get to spend lots of time with my family.Having never decided what I want to be when I grow up I continue to explore new hobbies, ideas and most of all try to maintain an open mind to what life has to offer.

My Interests

Outdoors: climbing, hiking, skiing, flying, whitewater, rollerblading, etc....the best things in my life have happened outdoors.


Almost anything. I play piano, guitar, drums and the iPod pretty well. Not a huge country music fan (can those two words be in the same sentence "country" and "music"..hmmm).


Heroes and 24


My dad, General Patton and Al Gore (for inventing the Internet of course)