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poise and grace, gone wrong

About Me

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There are layers and layers of meaning surrounding us in our every day lives. How perceptive are you? Do you dig for the truth? Or do you just accept everything with no concept of the mystery of it all? Unravel me. I promise I am well worth it.
Please note that unless otherwise stated or implie d , that I am the copyright holder on all text (excepting that used as quotation) and i mages contained herein. if you have any questions, please e-mail me
I n e v e r know what to p ut h er e...
Probably the best way to get to know me is through my blog, or just talking with me. I don't have a lot of blogs here on myspace, but I DO have a ton over on my LiveJournal (there's a link below). Those date back YEARS in my life.
I tend to wear my heart out on my sleeve. If i'm happy, you know it, if I'm sad it's obvious, if I'm angry you might not know (sometimes i tend to be OVER polite) unless you know me fairly well. I'm usually direct and straight forward, but I am VERY shy. Shy like you wouldn't believe. If you see me out and about, feel free to come and say hi. I dont bite often. As long as you aren't a complete assbasket, and are polite, it'll be great!
I have trouble meeting people, and making friends. My shyness tends to limit me a whole lot. I'm really trying hard to get over that some. I've made a lot of advances in that area recently. Sometimes I just need someone to charge up and introduce themselves. I may see you, and even recognize you, but I may just be too shy to say something first. I'm not snobby or mean. Just quiet :P
I like to meet cool new people and do new things. I enjoy a good time as much as the next person, but I might have a s light ly different idea of what a good time IS.
Feel free to add me, or message me, or chat on AIM (screen name below, in the list). I'll talk to anyone, until I have a reason not to :)
«|» abstract «|»
it's like a story,
a faery tale,
of things that could have been,
but went wrong somewhere along the way
something that should have been
good, and pure, and elegant,
but somehow ended up filled with venom and spite.
there will be no flow ers at th e end of this day.
no dancing
no angels
no poise
no g r ace
"Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, to hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats."
-H. L. Mencken
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."
-Denis Diderot
"Howbeit he will not stretch out his hand to the g rave, th o ugh they cry in his d estruction.
Did not I weep for h i m that wa s in trouble?
was not my soul grieved for the poor?
When I looked for good, then evil came unto me:
and when I waited for light, there came darkness.
My bowels boiled, and rested not:
the d ays of affliction pr e vented me.
I went mourning without the sun:
I stood up, a nd I crie d in the congregation.
I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.
My skin is black upon me, and my bones are burned with heat.
My harp also is turned to mourning,
and my organ into the voice of them that weep."

-The Book of Job, 30:24 - 30:31
"Oh people, know that you have commited great sins. If you ask me what proof I have for these words, I say it is because I am the Wrath of God. If you had not commited great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you."
-Genghis Khan
"You who so plod amid serious things that you feel it shame to give yourself up even for a few short moments to mirth and joyousness in the land of Fancy; you who think that life hath nought to do with innocent laughter that can harm no one; these pages are not for you. Clap to the leaves and go no farther than this..."
-Howard Pyle
"This you knows: the years travel fast and time after time I done the tell. But this ain't one body's tell; it's the tell of us all, and you've got to listen it and member, 'cause what you hears today you gotta tell the birthed tomorrow. I's lookin behind us now, into history back. I sees those of us that got the luck and started the haul for home and I 'members how it led us here and how we was heartbroke cause we seen what they once was. One look and we knew'd we'd got it straight. Those what had gone before had the knowin' and the doin' of things beyond our reckonin', even beyond our dreamin'. Time counts and keeps countin' and we knows now, findin' the trick of what's been and lost ain't no easy ride. But that's our trek. We gotta travel it and there ain't nobody knows where it's gonna lead. Still, in all, every night we does the tell so that we member who we was and where we came from. But most of all we 'members the man who finded us, him that came the salvage, and we lights the city not just for him but for all of 'em that are still out there, cause we knows there'll come a night when they sees the distant light and they'll be comin' home."
-Beyond Thunderdome
"And while waiting for a few belated cowardices, since you value in a writer all lack of descriptive or didactic flair, I pass you these few foul pages from the diary of a Damned Soul."
-A. Rimbaud
«|» generic «|»
Because we are all so much more than our names...
I live in Austin Tx.
I work for a very large non-profit organization.
I stayed briefly in Los Angeles, in Seattle, and in Bradford, Ontario, Can ada.
I grew up in a swamp...
'Gators and all.
I will constantly be adding things to this list.
I was a Cub Scout.
I have been obsessed with pirates since i was old en ough to walk.
I tend to be very shy.
But I've been working on it and I'm doing much better.
I didn't have my first haircut until i was 4 years old.
I am constantly looking for 'home'...
It's a feeling, not a place....
I find it on occasion...
I am always hopeful I can find it again.
I'm a dreamer.
My coat is brown.
I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve.
I like to create.
I study chinese martial arts.
I love to learn new things.
I really like it when you can just sit and stare at the night sky with someone and feel content.
I value imagination more than most things.
I don't have much self-esteem...
Often I pretend that I do though.
That's another one of those things I'm always working on.
When I fall asleep at night, I want to be a better person than I was when I woke up that morning.
You should too.
I tend to cast a really good looking shadow .
I believe.
I like to make little things.
I got kicked of elementary school and Jr High at least once per grade.
I'm more romantic than I like to admit.
I do not believe in pandas.
I tend to be a worrier.
So me time s, I'm funny.
I b l ush ve ry easily. The 'little things' are the most important things in life...
Because really, what are the big things? Just a bunch of little things added up.
I like to paint a lot...
I'm not so good at it :P
I have been attacked by a kangaroo...
And a raccoon...
Not at the same time.
I am too loyal for my own good.
I am a p rince.
I am a frog.
I am a space man.
I am a pirate.
I am j u st me.
I really like good quotes.
Some songs are written about my life, I'm sure of it...
Similarly, some movies are too.
I can be very sarcastic.
I got to pet a rhino once. I have a lot of different interests.
I have been know n to get all poetical like.
There was once a reward out for my capture...
I was never captured...
And now, it's too late.
I'm kinda scared of rabbits.
I am fiercely passionate.
I have a genet....
Who is a complete bastard.
I try to be considerate.
I have been told that my feet are "like a princess' feet."
When I am happy, I practically bu zz with energy.
I think books may be the most important thing in the wor l d.
I am poison fre e . Which means:
I do not smoke.
I do not drink.
I do not do any drug s .
I never have (no, not even once).
And I never will....
So, tell us... who are you ?
«|» miscellaneous «|»
«| I Want Your Teeth |»
I live with Nigel Rupert Toastwater (the third).
Who is also now listed as an interest for a few LJ users. He's very vain, he'd be proud. He has his own FAQ - Read it Here . If you have a lot of questions, please read the FAQ first, since it likely answers them already. If it does not, please feel free to ask away.
official representation:
poisonedgrace dot com
my livejournal (very active)
blogspot (not active)
xanga (not active)
myspace (you're already here, duh!)
AIM = poisonedgrace
also, friendster, screen name poisonedgrace, but it's completely incomprehensible to me, and thus inactive maybe others, i'll add them as i remember.
«|» Revolve «|»
"why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners?
I am myself indifferent honest;
but yet I could accuse me of such things that it
were better my mother had not borne me:
I am very proud, revengeful, ambitious,
with more offences at my beck
than I have thoughts to put them in,
imagination to give them shape,
or time to act them in.
What should such fellows as I do crawling between earth and heaven?
We are arrant knaves, all;
believe none of us."

Hamlet- Act 3, Scene 1
Here's my 2007 Halloween costume:

My Interests


Nigel Rupert Toastwater III

Akira Kurosawa

Andrew Vachss


Anne Bonny


Arthur Rackham

b movies

beaver and steve

Arthur Rimbaud

Reaper miniatures



Calico Jack Rackham


Lost Boys and Wolf Girls







The Perry Bible Fellowship


writing poems


comic books


Dario Argento

designing clothes

the night sky


.:| | |:.



Edward Gorey



watching fat people climb stairs

A Lesson Is Learned But The Damage Is Irreversible



fake hair


From the Dark

ghost hunting


giant robots





H.P. Lovecraft


Harry Potter

Hayao Miyazaki



horror movies

Howard Pyle


Married to the Sea

japanese street fashion


kung fu

Lemony Snicket

Girls who are named after diseases

Lewis Carrol



Lucio Fulci

MAC cosmetics


martial arts

Teh bibl e s

Mary Read



nail polish

Natalie Dee


ouija boards



paranormal investigation

Tricky Bill







being poison free





spotted genets

stompy boots

straight edge




Tank Girl

tasty things



The Despair Faction

Tim Burton

time travel


Urban Decay cosmetics

friendly people

video games

warmth of skin



William Gibson

World of Warcraft


Yoshitaka Amano


Toothpaste for Dinner



trying new things

meeting new people


Street Fighter

standing up for justice


Red Meat

pirate flags


I'd like to meet:

All of my awesome internet friends who live far away, but are still precious to me
Zombies who are tame
Boris Karloff
Talking animals with magical powers
d H.P. Lovecraft
Kouji Kabuto
Béla Lugosi
Ghengis Khan
Lon Chaney, Jr.
Space Ghost
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
People who are nice and unique
Vincent Price
Deltron Zero
Huang Fei-Hung
The king of the Elves
Myself, when I was a child
L. Frank Baum
A mad scientist
Someone with a lot of pet monkeys I could play with
Santa Claus
Rozz Williams
You, depending.

Feel free to message or add me, or whatever. I may add you back or reply. No promises. Remember, this isn't a popularity contest. If I add you, and you're a spam machine, !I'll likely remove you. The fastest way to get me to delete you, is to post those "OMFGs Tom is liek gonna shut down myspace unless you post a message to all yor friends begging him not to, so reposts this with the title OH NOES TOM DONT DO EEEETTT". You are a complete moron if you believe that shit. If I remove you, try not to be all butt-hurt. These internets shouldn't define your self esteem.


Some of theFaithful:

| My Blood |


this is my mom


brother 1


my sister


brother 2


my *other* sister

| My Family |

Nigel Rupert Toastwater III

Nigel lives in my room


a complete bastard. with my name

Vanishing Son

not so 'long lost' anymore


the living cartoon


"I don' care 'boutTommm!"

| My Pack |


My Assistant

Sun Karma

force of nature


flowers reach for the moon


Alchemy in her Chance and Creation


My Internet Wife <3


surpassing the graces of light and dark



she IS the Princess afterall...

Jigsaw Jones







Good ol' Weenerz

| Featured Music |

TheDarkest of the Hillisde Thickets

"worship me like a god"


"Genji no jidai no kyuuketsuki"

Buddy Wakefield

"this... is brutally beautiful..."


"when I breathe blood and eternalsleep..."

Sage Francis

"a writer, a poet, a genius, I know it..."

Bourbon Crow

"three feet down, I got three left to go"

Silversun Pickups

"On bobby pins held angel wings"

Emilie Autumn

"My whispers turn to screams"

Unknown Hinson

"You've done some uglythings"

I am Ghost

"We won't turn to dust"

View All of poisonedgrace'sFriends



Sage Francis

Bad Religion

Franz Lizst

Judy Henske

The Kids of Widney High

Minor Threat

The Ditty Bops


Miranda Sex Garden

Flogging Molly

Big Black

Johnny Cash

Christian Death (Rozz era)

The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets

Echo & The Bunnymen

Less Than Jake

Jordan Reyne

Louis Armstrong


Malice Mizer

Billie Holliday

I am Ghost

Siouxsie And The Banshees

Cyndi Lauper

Alien Sex Fiend


N.W.A.(pre-1989 only)


Diva Destruction

Marty Robbins

Guns n' Roses


Louis Jordan

A Fire Inside

Patsy Cline

Shonen Knife

Bobby "Boris" Pickett & The Crypt-Kicker 5

Deltron 3030

Jack Off Jill

Skid Row

Aphex Twin


Apoptygma Berzerk


Children of the Plague

Ella Fitzgerald


Bella Morte

Front Line Assmebly

The Bruce Lee Band

Dir en Grey

London After Midnight


The Descendents


Atom and His Package

Leaether Strip

Body Count

The Birthday Massacre

Razed in Black

Skankin' Pickle

Social Distortion

Switchblade Symphony


The Cruxshadows

Soul Asylum

Aesop Rock

New Order

Regina Spektor

The Dead Milkmen

The Violent Femmes


The Sex Pistols

The Flametrick Subs


The Misfits

The Cure

The Shroud

The Sisters of Mercy


Arlo Guthrie

Tiger Army

Ned's Atomic Dustbin

Silversun Pickups

Joy Division

Wednesday 13

Suzanne Vega

The Monkees

The X-ray Spex

Roger Miller

The Nekromantix


Screeching Weasel

They Might Be Giants

all kinds of different things


Dark City

Donnie Darko

Fight Club


Harry Potter

Pirates of the Caribbean

The Goonies

Ginger Snaps

The Nightmare Before Christmas

The Princess Bride

Uncle Goddamn

Howl's Moving Castle

The Iron Giant

most things from Tim Burton

non-disney cartoon movies

most anything by Hayao Miyazaki

some lame hollywood special effects movies

big rubber monsters menacing the city movies

Kung Fu movies

Luchio Fulci movies

Dario Argento movies

movies to make fun of for being so bad



I don't watch a lot of television...

Elfen Lied



One Piece(original)



Ranma 1/2

The Great Horror Family

Mazinger Z


Maison Ikkoku

The Young Ones

Urusei Yatsura

Invader Zim

ummmm.... yeah.


Alice in Wonderland

All Men are Brothers

His Dark Materials

Invisible Monsters


Journey to the West

Outlaws of the Marsh

Peter Pan

The Little Prince

The Neverending Story

The Nightmare Before Christmas

The Princess Bride

The Water Margin

Through the Looking Glass

Robin Hood


The Chronicles of Narnia

A Series of Unfortunate Events

everything by Andrew Vachss

The Wizard of Oz series

The Velveteen Rabbit

Where the Wild Things Are


I dunno... none really, just me.
You can't expect someone to save you,
and you are a lame ass if you model your life after someone else.

Just be yourself, who cares.

My Blog

friiiiiiiiiiday (& you ain’t got shit to do)

 Funny, I was so busy at work yesterday that I didn't get a chance to update, and now here I am, on holiday, eating pocky in my socks and underwear (the portrait of a grecian hero, I assure you) ...
Posted by poisonedgrace on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 08:00:00 PST

of course it degenerates into talking about food...

Took the day off yesterday to sleep in 'cause I knew I'd be up so late with that concert and all.  Therefore no blog post.I really should make more of an effort to keep to my 'daily post' even if...
Posted by poisonedgrace on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 12:01:00 PST

stuff & things

http://bp1.blogger.com/_LSGnycsyeI4/R9h7i4jkaSI/AAAAAAAAARQ/ tyFGdJo6mu0/s1600-h/ceiling_cat.jpgyeah, I know he's supposed to be white, but it's cute anyhow. paint him white, imo :PI need to dye my hai...
Posted by poisonedgrace on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 10:57:00 PST

Saints, Angels, Torpedos, Gorillas, Velvet and Cornmeal

Got busy yesterday, and didn't make an update.  QQ.  Not exactly sure where to start off with this one...Last night I was Visited and Spoken To.Still sorting out the details because I know t...
Posted by poisonedgrace on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 07:51:00 PST


Full of energy.  Can't sit still.I'm shooting lasers out at the sky.I'm really not manic, it's just that sometimes the isolation gets... lonely.And I hang on too tightly to things I should just l...
Posted by poisonedgrace on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 09:29:00 PST


 I've been feeling better than I have in a long time.  I finally got free of a bunch of crap that was weighing me down I think.  I feel like I'm ready to eat metal snd spit a nail throu...
Posted by poisonedgrace on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 01:12:00 PST


"Now here I am - The youngest old man in the world.And I have come to bring you my burdenOf every sleepless night without you in my armsOf being bored and calm and sometimes soberDon't mess me up...
Posted by poisonedgrace on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 11:58:00 PST


my god how did it start out as 'cleaning up the living room' and 'throwing a bunch of my old weird crap away' and suddenly change into stomping around wearing a dust mask and a power glove while&...
Posted by poisonedgrace on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 12:01:00 PST


The power of Christ compels you___So... what do you do if your brain tends to wander back to the same thing time and time again?Like something you don't really care to think about and need to just let...
Posted by poisonedgrace on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 07:42:00 PST


 "For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:But the word of the Lord endureth for ever"Ye...
Posted by poisonedgrace on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:35:00 PST