holding up cardboard signs with dirty messages on them in public. throwing cookie crumbs in everyones driveway. walking through amandas hood with table cloths on our heads. singing to people on the strip at 1am. Dancing next to the Bellagio fountains. laying down in elevators for hours with amanda. getting kicked out by security and sneaking through the back. making black men feel uncomfortable. being on top of tables with steven and dee. :] sexually harassing strangers. making clean conversations seem dirty. harassing tourists. photoshoping native american pictures for greg for months haha amanda. going behind the law books with ass face to work out. i just like life a little too much.
dear mery, you're such an amazing person. without you the world would stop spinning. the trees will die. (even though they're already dead in vegas), little children will starve, depression will arise, etc.
im open minded. and i probably hate your music. :]
My YouTube. click it dumbass. :]
those three haven't let me down.
ashleys back side.
and finally my parents pictured above.
for giving me life.
calm the fuck down. im kidding.
i just tackled these people in the elevator
and told them that they'd be famous. :]
my white mom is my biggest hero. :]
shes my very favorite.