K2 profile picture


Introducing the newest member of my Plushie Army of Doom! CHAA!!! KAPOW!!!

About Me

I'm ... 23, a Korean American, a CNA, like Star Wars, am a walking encyclpedia of random and mostly useless facts and statistics, a novice guitar player (2 years now), going back to school, after obtaining an AA at Briercrest Bible College (Canada's second largest Bible College!), am a Sagatarius, but don't believe in Astrology (although I am pretty lucky as the sign would suggest), a big Christian who is bummed for missing CreationFest that I love so very much, into collecting stuff and lots of it, a huge movie fan, although I usually watch less than a dozen a year, into Airsoft pellet guns (sort of) a friend introduced me to the sport a few years back and now I've got a small collection, Really into Christian Music, a past prankster at BBC (that's Briercrest Bible College not the TV channel), a HUGE fan of Anime, having watched the shows Kiba, Samurai Champloo and Full Metal Alchemist in three days (not at the same time though) Watched 56 episodes of Rerouni Kenshin in an all day marathon, and have kept up with Naruto and now Bleach!,am still living at home with mom, dad, two sisters; one older the other a twin (btw We look nothing alike!) 2 cats, some fish and a rabbit that resides in our garden. ..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5 .... width="425" height="350" ..

My Interests

Star Wars, Contempary Christian Music, Playing my Guitar (a 1963 Gibson accustic!), History, Art, Reading, and my job as a CNAKFC Counterstrike

Watch VideoMario Blindfolded

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I'd like to meet:

Jesus Christ, my birth mom (I was adopted from Seoul SK when I was 3 months old), this side of Heaven, probably all my cool friends overseas in Vimsii Estonia (again) and all you AWSOME Christian bands out there...You know who you are! ROCK ON!
Free Cursors


Contempary Christian Music.. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..


History Channel,Naruto,InuYasha,The Colbert Report,The Daily Show with Jon Stewart ...


The Bible, War and Peace (read it in 10 days baby!), Roots, Crime and Punishment, August 1914, The God Father, Animal Farm, Anything by C.S. Lewis, WWII historicals, and sci-fi fiction


I am my own Hero, Alter ego: K2 The Hidden Ninja!

My Blog

Whoo Hoo! I scored free tickets to the Premire of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!!!

That's right, thanks to my twin sister, and standing in a line for an hour and a half this afternoon, We got to be part of one of three places that showed the new Harry Potter movie;  LA, NYC, an...
Posted by K2 on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 10:08:00 PST

SOB! :( No More Red Vs. Blue!!!

I'm kinda bummed, I just watched the final episode of Rooster Teeth's webtoon Red vs Blue:  The Blood Gulch Chronicles.  At least they had three alternative endings, so there's always the po...
Posted by K2 on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 10:59:00 PST

Conversion tips for South Korean Missionaries

So anyways, I found a REALLY funny video on YouTube about a week ago, of one Asian American guy who found a very funny way of dealing with racism, as it occurs to Asian Americans.  (He gives the ...
Posted by K2 on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 03:26:00 PST

The Newest crazy thing in my life!

So anyways, for a while it seemed my life was rather mundane, and structured, wake up around ten in the morning, surf the web (Myspace, YouTube, Diablo II or some other game of the like) Lunch at one,...
Posted by K2 on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 10:37:00 PST

Thoughts of St. Patrick's Day

So...another St. Patrick's day has come and gone, but really, it's nothing more than the usual tradition of eating corned beef and cabbage, with red potatoes and steamed carrots, or the limited edditi...
Posted by K2 on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 02:28:00 PST

Calling all RPGr's

If your a fan of Naruto, Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, or Final Fantasy, or like to rpg, then come become a member in the Inuyasha vs. Naruto mmorpg at http://groups.msn.com/InuYashavsNaruto We are in d...
Posted by K2 on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:55:00 PST

Just a bunch of ramblin

So anyways, life for me is pretty well and normal, I got a new laptop about two months ago and have had the enjoyment of using it mostly for gaming and internet, (currently coming off a Naruto binge; ...
Posted by K2 on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 05:30:00 PST

Update on my life

For anyone who reads these things: Sorry I haven't updated for a while, my work has kept me really busy this summer because of being short staffed, I've worked a 13 day strech with 2 double shifts, a ...
Posted by K2 on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 08:27:00 PST

Closing in on tying a world record!

That's right, I am only 3/4" away of tying a really gross world record! I have a chest hair that is 2.75" long and the standing record is held by some Canadian guy who has one that is 3.5" long! ...
Posted by K2 on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 03:49:00 PST

The unbelievableness of God OR my week of correspondence with an adult film star

So this last week or so, starting on the 22nd, God has done some unbelivable stuff in my life; starting with the introduction of Liz, Liz happens to be an adult porn star of sorts (she's a private cha...
Posted by K2 on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 05:14:00 PST