SEE: Direct Link to Video: http://www.njweedman.com/video/promolibertybell2005.wmv
After the theme song goes off watch this video
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Democrats and Republicans support thier candidates with donations!
I'm asking "POTHEADS" to support my "protest" runs for office! Every year I run for a different office under the Legalize Marijuana Party as a way of protesting our nations current marijuana laws. I'm not that "high" were I actually think I'll win, yet running under the legalize marijuana party I'm making a statement and those who support the same issue are givin the opportunity to participate in my protest just by voting for me and the issue of marijuana legalization. Imagine if every year I come in 3rd place, with significant numbers!!!
"While 3rd party candidates - rarely pose an electoral threat, such candidates contribute to the free flow of ideas, which is important in a democracy, "said William Stewart, a university of Alabama political scientist.
I'm not asking for a lot of money, nor am I being bought by big interest groups like the Democract and Republican Party candidates. I'm asking those most affected by the marijuana laws to support me. I know most cannabis consumers can't come out of the cannabis closet, (I've been out for years) but they can donate to my campaigne's. I know there are plenty of well off potheads out there I'm asking you to support me! There are groups and organizations out there that support the legalization of marijuana, but I don't have the right "hue" so no support comes my way. Regardless I'm not going away, I'm a champion of this cause and will continue to be so until the laws are changed, whether NORML or any other outfit helps me or not. This is a new tactic, I'm trying to gain monetary support for my grassroots efforts.
Norml's St. Peirre implicitly acknowledged that Forchion's tactics left him largely isolated from more mainstream drug reformers and that Forchion didn't have much nice to say about such groups, but then added Forchion was a true freedom fighter for the cause. "If we had a thousand Ed Forchion's, the law would have changed long ago,' St. Peirre.
I believe the state will move to stop me from receiving donations like this, like it stops me from publicly campaigning! ( Seaside heights - Trenton ) I've been imprisoned for my political beliefs, have lost jobs for saying legalize and most disgustingly I've had the State of New Jersey take all visitation and custody of one of my children for my beliefs. It's obvious to me we don't have freedom of speech or religion.'Americans today have more reason to revolt than the colonist in 1776'
I'd like to meet:
"Ziggy, Stephen, Damien"
Click on CD cover to order full (3:41min) version of the NJWEEDMAN Theme Song.
USE PAYPAL $4.20 plus $2.00 shipping fee
NJWEEDMAN rings the Bell
This is a movie trailer for the up and coming video documentary about the NJWEEDMAN. This movie was produced by Luna Productions.'clip' - NJWEEDMAN and DUFF: Smoke-out at the Liberty Bell!
Njweedman and Philadelphia activist Pat Duff hold monthly smokeouts at the Liberty Bell in Independance Park Philadelphia. This is the actual video of the incidents that where argued in Federal Court!!! - Please see; Http://www.njweedman.com/smokeout
Njweedman on CNN Nation-wide - The Glenn Beck Show!
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Here in this section I'll be posting links to books I'd like my (POTHEAD) myspace friends to read.
The first book in the NJWEEDMAN book club is written by a NJ State worker named Marie Antionette. I don't know Marie personally but have bumped into her a couple of times in downtown Trenton. A few months ago we talked on the street and she said she was trying to get her book published. I told her so was I.This week I bumped into her again and sure enough she said she did it. Which was great news to me but also pointed out to me that I was procrastinating with mine. Maria showed me her book and told me how to order it. I've decided to list her book as the first in my NJWEEEDMAN BOOK club.
Maria has motivated me to get mine published!