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About Me

St. Michael the Archangel (Hebrew "Who is like God?").St. Michael is one of the principal angels; his name was the war-cry of the good angels in the battle fought in heaven against the enemy and his followers. Four times his name is recorded in Scripture:To fight against Satan. To rescue the souls of the faithful from the power of the enemy, especially at the hour of death. To be the champion of God's people, the Jews in the Old Law, the Christians in the New Testament; therefore he was the patron of the Church, and of the orders of knights during the Middle Ages. To call away from earth and bring men's souls to judgment ("signifer S. Michael repraesentet eas in lucam sanctam", Offert. Miss Defunct. "Constituit eum principem super animas suscipiendas", Antiph. off. Cf. "Hermas", Pastor, I, 3, Simil. VIII, 3). Regarding his rank in the celestial hierarchy opinions vary; St. Basil (Hom. de angelis) and other Greek Fathers, also Salmeron, Bellarmine, etc., place St. Michael over all the angels; they say he is called "archangel" because he is the prince of the other angels; others (cf. P. Bonaventura, op. cit.) believe that he is the prince of the seraphim, the first of the nine angelic orders. But, according to St. Thomas (Summa Ia.113.3) he is the prince of the last and lowest choir, the angels. The Roman Liturgy seems to follow the Greek Fathers; it calls him "Princeps militiae coelestis quem honorificant angelorum cives". The hymn of the Mozarabic Breviary places St. Michael even above the Twenty-four Elders. The Greek Liturgy styles him Archistrategos, "highest general" (cf. Menaea, 8 Nov. and 6 Sept.).

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Member Since: 04/10/2007
Band Members: ROCK JUDD
Record Label: Unsigned

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" My Home, all the glocks in chrome"

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Posted by on Mon, 28 Sep 2009 09:05:00 GMT

Obama: U.S. Does Not Recognize 'Legitimacy of Continued Israeli Settlements'

Obama: U.S. Does Not Recognize 'Legitimacy of Continued Israeli Settlements'Obama's stark declaration, which drew applause, was coupled with a call for Palestinians to end their "incitement of Israel....
Posted by on Wed, 23 Sep 2009 18:51:00 GMT

President Obama approaches his first 9-11 anniversary as president

Obama Takes the Bullhorn on Terrorism This 9/11President Obama approaches his first 9-11 anniversary as president Friday, September 11, 2009  On Sept. 11, 2001, Barack Obama was driving to a state leg...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Sep 2009 06:04:00 GMT

his name was the war-cry of the good angels in the battle fought in heaven against the enemy

St. Michael the Archangel (Hebrew "Who is like God?"). St. Michael is one of the principal angels; his name was the war-cry of the good angels in the battle fought in heaven against the enemy and his ...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Sep 2009 13:42:00 GMT


Veteran prosecutor John Durham has built an impressive 30-year career with the Justice Department taking down corrupt public officials, including FBI agents in bed with the mob, two Connecticut mayors...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Sep 2009 16:26:00 GMT


  http://www.zazzle.com/michaelsalomon?CMPN=mb_238913779538351 111_band_gallery" target="_blank">Buy merch from MICHAEL SALOMON at www.zazzle.com/michaelsalomon classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 18:02:00 GMT

President Bush Says......................

Bush Says U.S. Will Stay `Actively Engaged' in Mideast Talks By Roger Runningen --> --> Nov. 28 (Bloomberg) -- President George W. Bush said the U.S. will stay actively engaged as Israeli and Palesti...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 00:13:00 GMT