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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm 36 years old, no kids, and I live with my wonderful boyfriend Tom. We will be moving to Ft. Lauderdale FL very soon and I am so excited! My mom and stepdad live in Florida, also my brother and niece. You can see pics of them in my slide show. My brother also lives with his girlfriend and her daughter. And I have the most awesome friends in the world. What more could a girl ask for? Oh, besides lots of money....loooooots of money!...LOLMyspace Layouts
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My Interests

Reading, hanging out with friends, getting out of the military, playing Mario games cause he's the man! I also love emeralds. No I am not being shallow, they are my birthstone and I just love them...the color, the way they sparkle, how they make me feel to wear them.
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I'd like to meet:

Steven King, Dean Koontz, Nora Roberts and Laurel K. Hamilton2coolphoto / Layouts ,


What ever is on the radio. HTML content to post goes here (e.g. text, images, objects, etc.)" / Share on MySpace!


What Dreams May Come and Pay it Forward


I'm a reality show junkie!


All books by Steven King, Dean Koontz, Nora Roberts and Laurel K. Hamilton. And any other books I can get my hands on. Yes I read a lot, just ask any of my friends. They joke that they never see me without a book in my hands. I wouldn't go that far though, there are just some things you can't do while reading......I meant like driving a car, get your head out of the gutter, my friends don't see me doing that! Which Anita Blake Character Are You?
You are Anita Blake. You don't like to be pushed around, and threats to you are promptly responded with death. You tend to wear more cutlery than clothes, and that might creep some people out, but you don't care.
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Your man is Asher. *sigh* You want someone who is sophisticated and well-spoken. You don't care that he is scarred, that's just part of the appeal.
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My family and friends.

My Blog

You gotta read to find out

Ok, well I had my teeth cleaned today...OUCH.   It actually wasn't too bad cause I just had them cleaned about 6 months ago.  But the tech usually finds a way to cut my gums.  Easy...
Posted by Shellie on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 03:24:00 PST

New pics

Ok, I've added new pics as requested.  Rach, I'll try to get more up here soon.  I still haven't figured out how to customize my page
Posted by Shellie on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 09:50:00 PST

New job

Well I will be out of the military on 20 February...YEAH ME!!!    I have started my own business.  Check out my web site:  prepaid legal and identity theft protection  It's a ...
Posted by Shellie on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 08:44:00 PST


I'm just trying to figure this site out.  Although I've had a profile for a while I have not used the site before.  Well give me a break....k.  Hope to have something to see here soon.
Posted by Shellie on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 07:20:00 PST