Gabe profile picture


Behold, the power of cheese!

About Me

Welcome to my space ladies and gentlemen. Let's get down to business. For those of you who know nothing about me (and if that's the case who the heck are you and how did you perpetrate my secret site) this is your chance to learn. Although I've never questioned my sanity many of my friends often classify me as a "crazy bastard", however I can be serious when the situation requires it. My job necessitates the perpetual debacle that is my life, and I'm totally fine with that. Why not right? There's an elevated level of discipline that comes with working for a liquor company in marketing, and I'm proud that I'm neither dead nor fired.Enjoy music, really enjoy music, and have been a DJ since I could turn up a volume knob. Performed at many great venues along the left coast, and am always looking for a enthusiastic crowd to please. Dancing comes with the territory, hence I love to do this as well.Half Ecuadorian, usually spend summers with my 40 some odd awesome cousins and family in Quito. Have you guys been to the "third world"? It's great! Also spent time in: Hong Kong, China, Ireland, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Puerto Rico, Germany, the Amazon jungle, Mexico, the Caymans, St Thomas, the Galapagos Islands, Jamaica, and the list goes on...I'm in to film, and work on the side occasionally shooting various types of projects.If I had to pick one activity to spend the rest of my life doing it would be skiing. Really fast and irresponsibly. Maybe with a bottle of Jack Daniel's in my hand. I like to get as dangerous as possible, so if you like riding mountains lets go! Instructed for 8 years.I've run out of clever things to say. You know how to get a hold of me. Peace be with you!
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My Interests

Teaching my dog how to spin records. I pretty much train her 6 hours a day to catch up with me.

I'd like to meet:

Lady Cleo, Mr. Myagi, Santa Claus, Ashton Kutcher, Pokemon, Chester Cheetah,...


Yanni, Celine Dion, and DC Talk... I'm a DJ and usually spin House or Hip Hop. I've played everything from Bhangra to Latin and love all genres of music.Our Hip Hop group The Lager Rythms


Jean Claude VanDam, Benjamin Piatt Runkle, Bill Gates, Shawn Kemp, the list goes on