kathie profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

im 46 yrs old, with 2 kids,due 2 be a gran for the 1st time in Apr.i luv anything 2 do wiv bikes n campin n rallies.i ave 3 german shepherds which take up alot of my time. i use 2 b in engineerin but due 2 a v bad industrial accident sum yrs ago,i can only work part-time so i do bar work. i use 2 run a pub yrs ago so its nothin nu. my son is goin 2 uni this yr as he luvs music.he dus sum DJing n wants 2 do sound tracks 4 films n jingles 4 programes. my daughter is also at uni doin social work,she is also a bar-maid. [email protected].."http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodH RwOi8vd3d3LnBpbXAtbXktcHJvZmlsZS5jb20v"

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

nu friends n any1 who luvs bikes n dogs. i like 2 talk 2 any who has a sense of humour n no hang ups...

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Janis Joplin
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My Blog


Rules are,,once you,ve been tagged,you must write a blog of 10 weird/random little known facts/habits about yourself. Choose 10 people to be tagged, list their names and why..Tell them to read your bl...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 01:47:00 GMT


A convict breaks into a house and ties up the husband and his wife. He jumps on the wife, kisses her ear, then runs into the bathroom. The husband whispers to his wife, "satisfy him,or he,l kill us. I...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 04:21:00 GMT


a wife is in labour,shoutin the usual stuff. "get this out of me!give me the drugs!" She turns to her hubby and says, "you did this to me!" He replies casually, "if you remember rightly,i wanted to st...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 04:12:00 GMT

bike rallies

its he mingers 2nd rally tis yr..i hope as many as can will go and give em support.. they are a great bunch of guys..im goin so hope 2 c you there
Posted by on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 06:58:00 GMT

bob dylan film

wat do you peeps think of the bob dylan film???? iv seen it n cant understsnd y they used women..!!!!!!!!! im a fan of bobs n i wud of liked 2 c him or a bloke play him..wat do u say????
Posted by on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 12:18:00 GMT