♥ My NaMe iS hAyLeY aNn
AnD i Do WhAt i WaNt ♥
i Am 14 YeArS yOuNg
mY biRtHdAy iS JuNe 2, 1992
HiT uP tHe CeLl Ne TiMe!!
IM mE oN SwEeTnSoUr6292
♥ My LoVeS ♥
*My BiG fAmIlY
*mY bFf'S!! {{yOu KnOw WhO u AlL aRe!!}}
*ThOsE bOyS!!
*OtHeR FrIeNds!!
* HUGS ArE tHe BeSt ThInGs CrEaTed!
*My CeLl PhOnE
* AiM aNd tHe CoMpUtEr =)
*GeTtIn ClOsE..iMa SnUgGlEr
*SpRiNg BrEaK!! =]
*DaNcInG tHe NiGhT aWaY
*HaNgInG oUt WiTh My FrIeNdS
*GiRlS nIgHtS*
*ThE SiMs=LiFe =]
* GrEyS aNAtOmY
*LOST =]
*mAkE uP
*CaNdY.. yUmMy
♥... wherever you go;;go with all your heart [♥] ♥...
♥... dont let anyone control who you are, because who you are is the most important thing ...♥
♥... I wanna be the girl he's scared to lose, the one where he cant walk away form knowing she's mad at him, the one who cant fall asleep with out her voice being the last one he hears; the one he cant [ l.i.v.e.♥w.i.t.h.o.u.t ] ...♥
♥... for every sixty seconds you spend upset..is a minute of happiness you'll never get back ...♥
♥... its not like i wanna be the [only] girl in your [life] - i just wanna be the only one that [ m a t t e r s ] ...♥
♥... there are just certain things in life that are better of unkown;;things you wish you never asked, never saw, never heard, or never even felt ...♥
♥... when it comes down to it;; i let them think what they want;; if the care enough to bother with what i do;; then im already better than them ...♥
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