Wolfcub profile picture


About Me

blah blah blah...does anyone look at my space anymore?

My Interests

making films, super8, gigs, art galleries, tea, japan, people watching

I'd like to meet:

probably not your shitey band


Concretes, Shins, Arcade Fire, Stereo Total, Interpol, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Beck, Hot Hot Heat, Saint Etiene, The Rapture, Les Savy Fav, Broadcast, Pixies, Brendon Benson, Shout Out Louds, Low, Joy Zipper, Wolfparade, The Chalets, Peter Bjorn and John, Camera Obscura, Young Knives, CSS, but lately only the blood arm. in a creepy way. over and over again. and maybe its not even that good.


filmmakers? a bit of Truffaut (especially Jules et Jim), Ozu...films? The Warriors, Radio On, My Neighbour Totoro, The Gleaners and I, 9 to 5


hollywood babylon


the man i met at the bus stop on suday. i think it was a visitation but it may have been real.