About Me
Seriously considering turning my dissertation into a series of choose your own adventure books. My target audience is 8-12 year olds, and my heroine, of course, Judith Butler. She will guide our readers through the magical journey from Structuralism through Poststructuralism and into a sort of Wizard of Oz transformation of the world through a global embrace of performativity. Judy would replace the original Judy, and i guess the ruby red slippers could be ruby red boots. i'm thinking Sartre as the scarecrow, Adorno as the lion, and Nietzsche for the Tin Man. Foucault and Derrida would provide wizardly discourse. Ayn Rand as the Wicked Witch of the East. Or Martha Nussbaum. Or Catherine MacKinnon. Marx and CocoRosie will choreograph the munchkins into a gang of over-the-rainbow warriors, and he and Althusser would re-pave the yellow brick road with loaves of self-reproducing loaves of socialist wonderbread. Verso will offer me a 3 book deal and i'll be paid in books.
Palatka Sorbonne.