Reading, EQ2, Martial Arts, Walking/Hiking with my Dog, Art and Art History, International Affairs, Multicultural Studies, Learning more about my MAC, Chillin with Ma Nigs (GiangHu!!!)
If they were alive: William Shakespeare, King Leonidas, Miyamoto Musashi, Attila the Hun, Vlad Tepes, The Big JC and his crew.......That ARE alive: Michael Crichton, Colin Powell, Vladimir Putin, Anthony Bourdain, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
All Over the place...I usually listen to classical music all day at work, sometimes while driving, and usually when I'm reading. Some favorites include Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, and Beethoven. I also enjoy rock music, I enjoy the randomness of radio but with no more 92.3 K-rock I end up listinging to online stations playing everything from Mettalica, The System Of a Down, ACDC, and Disturbed. I also supplement that with plenty of Godsmack, Linkin Park, and Dredge. I also like to listen to Reggea (Damien Marley), Latin Music, and Hip-Hop.
Braveheart, Gladiator, 13th Warrior, Lord of the Rings, Silverado, The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly (spaghetti westerns), Blackhawk Down, The Conan Series, Spartacus, Saving Private Ryan, Indiana Jones Series, The Matrix, Last of the Mohicans, Serenity
I no longer have Television at home but I do manage to catch my favorite anime shows from Japan, Specifically Bleach and Naruto. I also make it a point to watch the new season of Rome every Sunday at a friend's house.
Favorites: Lord of the Rings series and most JRR Tolkien books, Chronicles of Narnia, The Dune Series, Arabian Nights, Eaters of the Dead and other Chriton Books, Song of Roland, The Grail Quest Series (Benard Cornwell), Harry Potter Series.......... Currently reading: Hard Rain........... Recently Read: The Historian, Gates of Fire, Rain Falls, Eragon and Eldest, Prey, Left Behind, Nemisis, the Man from St. Petersburg
When I think of heroes I'm reminded of Athletes, movie stars, and war heroes...Great men and women of old. But when I think of the people who I've looked up to in my life they were just ordinary folks doing extraordinary things...and the fact that they did those things without knowing is what makes them truly heroes. My high school English Teacher (May he Rest In Peace), The head of my old youth group from back in the day, Mi Abuela, and of course my folks.