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A Magyarock egyuttes nepszeru magyar eloadok dalait dolgozza fel es adja elo a kulfoldi magyarok szorakoztatasara. Az egyuttes utja 2003 decembereben indult, amikor egy szilveszteri osszejovetel alkalmabol a denveri magyarsag elott lepett fel a zenekar. Akkor meg nevtelenul es mondhatnank azt is hogy akkor meg celtalanul. Majd egy ev multan a kovetkezo szilveszterre megint elojott az otlet hogy megismetelni a tavaji sikert. Nehany uj tag toborozasaval ujra osszeallt egy program es mostmar egy kicsit komolyabb erobevetessel keszult az akkor meg mindig nevtelen zenekar. 2005 hozta azt az otletet hogy az egyuttes fel legyen ruhazva allando tagokkal akik eltokeltek abban hogy a zenet profi modon tanuljak meg es adjak elo. Ahogy telt az ido a zenekar egyre tobb dalt tanult meg, es egyre jobb,es kifinomultabb stilusban adta oket elo. 2005 szeptembereben egy Las Vegasi fellepes utan szuletett az a dontes hogy az egyuttes meglatogasson es fellepjen olyan varosokban ahol nagyobb magyar kozossegek leteznek. Ebben az idoben sok gondolat szuletett az egyuttes nevevel kapcsolatban. Egy rovidke ideig a "Gittegylet" neven futott a zenekar, de valahogy megsem illett jol ez a nev. Par honap mulva egy szojatek utan lett a zenekar elkeresztelve a Magyarock nevre. Termeszetesen a jo tervbe is csuszhat egy kis hiba. Az akkori tagok (2 tag kivetelevel) mind amerikai sracok voltak akik egy ido utan meguntak a magyar zenet, ugyhogy 2007 uj tagok keresesevel indult. Igy allt ossze a jelenlegi felallas, 4 magyar sraccal. Azota is a Magyarock egyuttes tobb allambeli fellepessel bizonyitotta hogy a magyar zene az 1950-es evektol a mai idokig athidalhato es eloadhato olyan modon hogy mindenki megtalalja a maganak illot. Az egyuttes programja egeszen Szecsi Pal, Mate Peter, Varga Miklos dalaitol a Bikini, Edda, KFT, Beatrice egyutteseken at egeszen a Tankcsapda, Ruzsa Magdi es meg sokkal tobb mas eloadok dalain ivel at.
The Magyarock (Translation: Hungarains and/or Hungarian rock) is a Hungarian cover band covering popular songs from various Hungarian artists and performing them mostly to their fellow countrymen and women living abroad, and also to all who come to their concerts. The band was formed in 2003 for a New Years Eve party, where the group performed for the Hungarian community in Denver. At that time the band was without a name and without goals. With a year’s passing the idea presented itself again to repeat last year’s success. After acquiring a few new members, a new program was put together, and the group began preparations with more effort than before. 2005 brought the idea that the band should have steady, solid members who are dedicated in learning and performing the songs in a professional manner. As the time had passed Magyarock learned more and more songs and they started to perform them skillfully and proficiently. In September of 2005 after a performance in Las Vegas the band decided to visit other out of state towns where larger pockets of Hungarian populations existed. At that time a lot of thought and consideration went into naming the group. For a short while the band bore the “Gittegylet†name, but that was not really befitting. A few months later due to a word play the band was dubbed Magyarock. As it is with all good plans there was to be a flaw. At that time, with the exception of 2 members all the musicians in the band were American who, after a while, were no longer interested in playing Hungarian music. So the year 2007 kicked off with the search for new mates. That is how the current line up came to be with 4 Hungarian guys. Since then the Magyarock proved that Hungarian music from the 1950 to the present can be gapped, and can be played in a manner so that it is entertaining to all in attendance, and every member of the audience can find something to their liking.