CARS, MAGAZINES, playinG billirads, m coLLecting things which arE bLue anD my favoriTe nos05.. anD of coursE hanging ouT wiD maH feLLah's fweendz..
mY destinY.. a maN I wanT 2 live 4 d resT of my LifE.. I waNNa meeT mY oLdfriEnds.. waY back high-schooL anD gradEschooL.. I wanna meeT HIM.. check iT ouT!!! oF coursE, I wanna mEEt yoU..
"aLways be me baby" frm mariaH.. jLo anD ashanti's sonGs weN I wanT 2 groovE.. tracY chapman wEn aM drivin'.. I love thE caLLing deR reaLLy cooL.. I love bonetHugz N' harmonY.. I love Lenny kravitz... anD manY manY morE.. spacE arE noT enougH iF am gonna mentioned dem aLL.. alternatives songS reaLLY makEs mE higH.. RNB songS rOck mY worLD..
2FAST 2FURIOUS.. SpiderMan.. MATRIX.. Prince anD mE.. EverAftEr.. HarrY poTTer.. a waLk 2 remembeR.. anD manY morE!!
anY kinds of books daT reaLLY caughT mY aTTention..