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?tpynig my udenrsntad to hwo konw yuo wlil

About Me

hey everybody! for those who dont know me, my name is mike. something about me? oh, well, um.. how about this? i have always liked the word "mayhem" for some reason. eventhough i dont really know what its exact definition is. i guess i could look it up at or something... anyway, enough about me... ;-Þ
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My Interests

i like good movies and music. reading when i have time. i like going out with friends on adventures and to some friend's band gigs. i love playing bar trivia too (you really can win good money for doing nothing). but i also like staying at home to watch some tv or a movie and relax. im interested in astronomy as well. i love playing badminton or Takraw, and bike riding! i enjoy hanging with friends and talking about... well, anything really. playing games, like cards or whatever is fun too. :-) i guess thats it. but dont forget to check out the old school YouTube clips from when we were kids, (a little bit under this) they're awesome!! umm, ohh yeah.... and Indiana Jones is pretty cool if you ask me!!! ... . . . .. ... . .. . .. ... ... . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .... . . .
Which Action Star Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Your Slanguage Profile

New England Slang: 100%
Canadian Slang: 75%
Aussie Slang: 25%
Prison Slang: 25%
Southern Slang: 25%
Victorian Slang: 25%
British Slang: 0% What Slanguage Do You Speak?

I'd like to meet:

maybe some old friends and family that ive lost touch with throughout the years... im also up for meeting new friends too.


i mainly listen to 80's and oldies. but ill listen to pretty much anything... to a point.


well the ones that come to mind are: fight club, shawshank redemption, usual suspects, requim for a dream, army of darkness, 3 kings, goonies, airplane, waking life, O' brother, the game, comming to america, pi, trading places, all back to the future movies, all indiana jones movies,(to name a few) aswell as most Kevin Smith, Cowen brothers, and Terrintino movies... thats all i can think of right now.


Red Sox games. South Park sometimes, Family Guy once in a while. TNG, and Curb Your Enthusiasim are good. Futurama and Simpsons are still pretty good sometimes... i also like some of the Discovery, Discovery Science, Discovery Health and National Geographic programs that come on. and probably a few others i cant think of...
Who's Your 80s Movie Icon Alter-Ego? Find out @ She's Crafty


I am 20% Idiot.
.. I am not annoying at all. In fact most people come to me for advice. Of course they annoy the hell out of me. But what can I do? I am smarter than most people. Take the
Idiot Test
@ FualiDotComI am 39% Evil Genius.
.. I want to be evil. I do evil things. But given the opportunity, and a darn good reason I may turn to the good side. Besides I am probably a miserable evil genius. Take the
Evil Genius Test
@ FualiDotComI am 42% Geek.
.. You probably work in computers, or a history deptartment at a college. You never really fit in with the "normal" crowd. But you have friends, and this is a good thing. Take the
Geek Test
@ FualiDotCom
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Name: mike fitzgerald
Birthday: December 18 1981
Birthplace: Walpole MA
Current Location: Wilmington NC
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: dirty blond
Height: 5'11
Right Handed or Left Handed: both
Your Heritage: mostly Irish
The Shoes You Wore Today: were comfortable :-)
Your Weakness: kindness
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: "no need" and "meh"
Thoughts First Waking Up: already?
Your Best Physical Feature: knees and elbows
Your Bedtime: depends
Your Most Missed Memory: the summers of 1995,1996 and 1997... when we were still innocent... u know, not having a job yet, or any of the stress in the adult world
Pepsi or Coke: meh
In the past month have you been on Drugs: my car's gas tank has been on 'E' a few times this month. hehe
In the past month have you gone to a pool hall: yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: (random question) ive never had oreos in a box, but i do love some oreos once in a while...
In the past month have you beaten yoshi: now what kinda question is that? i mean come on now
In the past month have you been on a rampage: umm, i guess... not...?
In the past month have you been stumped: probably i guess.
In the past month have you gone bunny killing: bunny killing? what the? i mean, of course not!! who does that!?!
Ever been called a Tease: maybe... (saying "maybe" is kind of a tease, isnt it?) lol
Ever Been Uplifted: uhh, sure
What country would you most like to Visit: many, but ireland stands out the most
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Height: any

Weight: healthy
Best Clothing Style: anything but the "slutty look"... hooded sweatshirts and cute, huggable, cozy looking... that has always done something 4 me ;-)
Number of Drugs I have taken: perscription?oh, well then ive taken some antibiotics be4... u know, to get over the flu and such.
Number of CDs I own: 100's
Number of Piercings: i have 0
Number of Tattoos: i might get 1 some day, i dont know... i cant think of anything i want on me for the rest of my life.
Number of things in my Past I Regret: i think regret is a waste of time and energy.... as long as you learn from your mistakes

My Blog

Peace on Earth

Peace on Earth is a 1939 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) cartoon short subject directed by Hugh Harman, about a post-apocalyptic world populated by animals.According to Hugh Harman's obituary in the New Yor...
Posted by Crazy Mike Fitz" on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 11:57:00 PST

The Babez

For Jessica (babez)Part 1if i wanted to run to raleigh, you may say im crazy perhaps i could take a trolly, because I want my babez. however i wont run to raleigh, for i am too lazy eventhou...
Posted by Crazy Mike Fitz" on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 03:28:00 PST

I Hate People

this is a song from one of my favorite movies   Scavengers and sycophants and flatterersand foolsPharisees and parasites and hypocritesand ghouls Calculating swindlers, prevaricating fraudsPerpet...
Posted by Crazy Mike Fitz" on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 06:55:00 PST

If There Is A Heaven...?

then did cave men and neanderthols go there when they died?and if not, then how many years ago did people start entering heaven?5,000 years ago? 10,000 years ago? i guess it depends on what YOU b...
Posted by Crazy Mike Fitz" on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 05:56:00 PST

An Ode To Spot (the cat)

this is a poem from one of my favorite tv shows       Felis Cattus, is your taxonomic nomenclature, an endothermic quadruped carnivorous by nature? Your visual, olfactory and auditory...
Posted by Crazy Mike Fitz" on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 09:24:00 PST

The Dodecahedron

The calculations below are for a dodecahedron of side length s. Find the area of one face, and multiply that by the number of faces for the total surface area.   Three pentagons meet at each...
Posted by Crazy Mike Fitz" on Thu, 29 Dec 2005 02:36:00 PST