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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
YouthArt MultiFest (Serbia, 2008)- Art with out borders – call for submissionYouthArt MultiFest 2008 for the them has «Art with out borders» and it is inclined to art medias such as performance and video art. Festival is dedicated to young artist, up to 35 years old. Festival covers acomodation with breakfast and lunch (only to performance artist) and also covers the production of art works. However festival doesnt covers trip coasts. There's no entry fee for participation on the festival. Ewerone interested to take the part on the festival should fill out the entry form and send it to the e-mail: [email protected] (artist how are aplaying with video works should sent entry form acompanied with video work on DVD, PAL only). To get the entry form please contact us through alreay menitoned e-mail address. All the questions concerning the festival you can send it to the same e-mail address. Deadline to aplay for the festival is November 15th 2007. Festival will be held in May 2008 in different location in Pancevo, Serbia. Our web adress is: