just anne
oh baby !!weL for those whu dnt know me, iM a girL who LoVes God, famiLy and frieNds. iM a down to earth chiQ. I love to make others feeL speciaL aNd buiLD their seLf-esteeM. i LoVe to make ppL smiLe anD haVe a gooD tiMe. LoVes to Live life to the fuL as iF theres No 2morrow. I caN be crazziiee sometiMes.. w8 maKe that aL the time.. hehe! iM sO crazy! (in a gOod way) hehe! i h8 seeing ppL so sad.. it makes me waNt 2 be saD 2 =( coz life is to good 2 waste to be sad or to have s2pid probleMs.. but hey eveN i geT mOoD swings! but it gOes away pretty fasT.. hehe! oH aNd iM toLd i giVe gOod advice.. sO if yOo eVa neeD advice.. coMe 2 Me.. hehe! iM nOt thaT picKy w/ everythIng.. except my clotheS and assesories.. aNd shoeS! daMnz! i LoVe gOiNg sHoPpiN.. buT i haVe to saVe!! hehe! sO i caN traVeL the worLd aNd sEe aL the wOnderfuL pLacEs God maDe! buT aT the mOmeNt.. iM stiL workin hard.. actin and modellin . i totally love it !! weL thereS a lil bit about me.. but.. thats nOt aL.. iM noT a bOrinG persOn.. i LighteN uP every situatiOn.. (so i've been toLd, but sOmehOw its so haRd 2 blve 4 me) =P but yeH.. if yOu waNt a frieNd to taLk 2.. oR geT to know.. jst give me a buzz!! oK.. and iL make sure to be deRe 4 yOo wheNeVa and whereVa iL be deRe.. PROMISE! weL catch you's L8r ppLz! taKe iT easY.. aNd GoD luVs y'aL aNd so dO i! =Dclick here
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