I'd like to meet:
hmmm...Burt Reynolds, maybe
Interpol.Sunny Day Real Estate.Minus the Bear.The Smiths.Belle and Sebastian.Rockets and Bluelights.Gorillaz.Modest Mouse.Piebald.Joanna Newsom.Portishead.Crisis.Billie Holiday.Prince.Prizzy Prizzy Please.Johnny Cash.Bad Brains.Gorilla Biscuits.The Misfits.RURD.Off Minor.Minor Threat.His Hero is Gone.Cephalic Carnage.Pig Destroyer.Angel Hair.Dragonforce.Mastadon.Aesop Rock.Immortal Technique.El-P.Cannibal Ox.Creedence Clearwater Revival.Kansas....and so on and so forth...
Gummo.Donnie Darko.Trapped in the Closet.Wizards.The Birdcage.Waking Life.3.14.A Clockwork Orange.Little Miss Sunshine.The Boy Who Could Fly.Harold and Maude.Horror movies of all kinds.Requiem for a Dream.The Machinist.Momento.Brazil.The Fog.The Stand.The Langoliers.The Big Lebowski.Thank You For Smoking...too many to list
X-Files.South Park.Mythbusters (I hate Cary).Seinfeld. Aqua Teen Hunger Force.CSI.The Universe
Jonny Got His Gun, Lithium for Medea, Farewell to the Sea, Autobiography of Assata Shakur, Ham on Rye, Hot Water Music, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, too many to list
Amanda.Jeffrey Luers.