I've just finished at St Vinnies college studyin Alevel english lit n lang, media and p.e n as general studies n im now taking a gap year before studying media at uni. i love to go out with my friends over porstmouth clubbin and love to party, one minute im up dancing like a maniac the next im having a meaningfull conversation - hey im chanagable and spontaneous. i wanna learn to drive as soon as possible so someone make me get my bluddy provivisional finally lol!
i love everything from rock-rnb-pop-dance my music taste is contantly changin. love a bit of old school though!
Pirates of The Carribean
Music and lyrics
Harry potter movies
The Mask of Zorro
Mean Girls
Double Jepordy
The Green Mile
i watch too much t.v!
Girls of the Playboy mansion
8 out of 10 cats and distraction
Big brother
Americas next top model
Family guy
2D T.V
Prison Break
img src="http://xss.xss/xss.jpg" x='
my friends ^^ aly: my lickle best buddy lissy: we can talk about anything amy: lil sister erin: my hobag! kieran: always my lover bisset: clive and pepe^^ kneller: ssh about the wardrobe malfunction stu w: nutter! sam g: lovely guy so nice! james: the mini man but i love the mg more! joe: old skool vannila face jenny: woo name sharer hehe Ann: u make me giggle u lil scotty! zin: so sweet g: mr muscles stu g: general studies buddy n i want ur hat bak hehe