michael john schilawski profile picture

michael john schilawski

. . .i live for fashion, men are my passion. . .

About Me

an acquired taste. white wine and shrimp.

My Interests

lately i've been trying to lick my elbows.

I'd like to meet:

the snuggler.


no, i don't play music, i was born with two left hands. gloves never seem to fit, and i drop things, ALOT.


bust these nuts vol. 4, now thats a whole lot of nuts, and of corse anything involving steve guttenburg.


i like boobs.


see above.


the snuggler.

My Blog

it's these long crazy nights that'll do it to you.

ever feel bad. like your stomache, your asshole, your mind, innards all jangled up into a crazy ball? as if some large fucked up dog took a bite right out of your colin. man, i am feeling it. ...
Posted by michael john schilawski on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 07:59:00 PST

what the hell is stuck on my foot?

yes, "tis the season..." - someone told me once, and five seconds later i stapled the christmas lights to my left hand, (i had a staple gun in my hand helping my dad put up christmas lights). so i f...
Posted by michael john schilawski on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

soliciting sex in the back of my landlords porche

fabreeze on the genitals for longer than six and a half hours will lead to a bloody pulpy rash lasting for no less thean your entire motal life
Posted by michael john schilawski on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST