dj/remixing (haven't made it to production yet)...ok, no remixes either at this point but i'm trying hard.
the people i meet every day
films that provoke emotion and thought
just killed my television...yay
prior not-so-guilty pleasures: the daily show / colbert report hour (the best news television has to offer - like the other infotainment (who coined that? anyone?) channels are any better with their coverage of the latest hollywood crotch shot and/or incarceration.
(steps of soapbox) moving on...
science channel, national geographic, history channel (The childrens is learning when they watch these channels)
and the guilty ones: project runway,america's next top chef (thought i was going to say model there didn't you, guess what, watched that too :P ), 24 (aren't you glad i killed it?)
philosophy and technical computer mumbo-jumbo
everyone i call a family or friends...sometimes the lines are blur between the distinction