i'M nOt CocKiE i'M cOnFiDeNt, AnD wHeN yOu TeLL mE i'M tHe BeSt ThAt'S a CoMpLeMeNt!!!
aNyOnE wHo IsN't ScErRd oF A LiL pHySiCaL cOnTaCt, AnD aNyBoDy WhO EnJoYs ThE oUtDoOrS aS mUcH aS I dO...mUsT hAvE aN oPeN MiNd, OuT-gOiNg PeRsOnaLiTy (ThAt'S a BiG tHiNg WiT mE, aLwAyS dOiNg SoMeThiNg, aLwAyS oN tHe gO) AnD nOt aFrAiD tO pArTy HaRd ( a LiL fUn NevEr HuRt NoBoDy, i LikE tO "pLaY" WiTh PeOpLe tOo!!JuSt Fo'GeT wUt ChA HeRd, ParTy HarD aLL NIgHt EvErY NiGhT!!
i BLaSt My SteReO tO HiP-hOp, aNd RaP MuSiC... i LikE tO tHrOw iN a LiL AlTeRnItIVe WhEnEvEr I wAnNa GeT a LiL WiLd AnD cRaZy...-- (tHiNk YoU cAn HaNg?!!)--BuT i'LL lIsTeN 2 yOu , If YoU hAvE sOmEtHiNg ThAt YoU wAnNa SaY... (HiNt, hInT-"LeT mE wIsPeR iN yOur EaR, TeLL yOu wUtChA wAnNa hEaR)
*BoGuS* NoT ReaLy An InTrEsT... (MaGaZiNeS... SoMeTiMeS) AUGUST: (Dig horiscopes) outgoing personality. takes risks. feeds on attention. no self control. kind hearted. self confident. loud and boisteroius. VERY revengeful. easy to get along with and talk to. has an "everything's peachy" attitude. likes talking and singing. loves music. daydreamer. easily distracted. Hates not being trusted.BIG imagination. loves to be loved. hates studying. in need of "that someone". longs for freedom. rebellious when withheld or restricted. lives by "no pain no gain" caring. always a suspect. playful. mysterious. "charming" or "beautiful" to a special person. stubborn. courious. independent. strong willed. a fighter
i'M nOt CocKiE i'M cOnFiDeNt, AnD wHeN yOu TeLL mE i'M tHe BeSt ThAt'S a CoMpLiMeNt!!!