The return of Spicy McRedbeard profile picture

The return of Spicy McRedbeard

I am here for Friends

About Me

HI if you don't know me I don't care I live in Hendertucky With my Munchies and two of my best freinds who i have known for 15 years and yeah that is it really bye bye now .. octoberswake

My Interests

Yeah I like stuff.

I'd like to meet:

Right now all my munchies's friends


I like it yeah....


I like uplifting movies about the underdog childsports team who abtains a new coach. The coach an outcast in sociaty who knows little about couching of you people. The kids and couch build a bond and turn their season around making it too the championship game. Only for the game to be canceled because the couch was aressted for sexual assualt, sexual misconduct, sodomy, statitory rape, rape in the first degree, possestion and distribution of child pornagraphy. Or at least I would like to see a movie like that.I aslo like movies about chatholic preists and boy scout masters...


Don't watch much: some adult swim, some comedy central, fresh prince of bellair.


Lately the same three-thousend page policy manual...


UHHHHHHHHHHH, don't have one. Suppose it doesn't help that i believe everyones accomplishments (especialy my own) are crap and don't matter on the greater scheme of things.

My Blog

Because I have too appearently

Put your name down, and I will proceed to do the following:1. I'll respond with something "random" about you.2. I'll tell you what band or movie you should be in.3. I'll pick a drug/substance that we ...
Posted by The return of Spicy McRedbeard on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 08:53:00 PST


I was reading an article on The Best Page in the Universe; when I found this piece of idaho State Legislature. Yes, I know I did not capitilize the "I" in idaho. In the English language we capitilize ...
Posted by The return of Spicy McRedbeard on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 10:41:00 PST


It took two hours and fortyfive minutes too accomplish: three five minute phone calls, two one minute emails, and one two second fax. What did I do with the other two hours twentysix minutes and ...
Posted by The return of Spicy McRedbeard on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 11:02:00 PST


You know what is great, and all too helpfull? When a nurse or medical biller, maybe a secretary decides; that since she is in the medical field she has the knowlege and or resources to make a call on ...
Posted by The return of Spicy McRedbeard on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 10:00:00 PST

The Lands of Milk and Honey

Chaos, terror, fear, and violence Kamikaze gifts to liberate Theological differences Money is power Faith and spirituality lost in religion Your new differences Look alike facades Control and propaga...
Posted by The return of Spicy McRedbeard on Fri, 18 Nov 2005 11:28:00 PST

Politicly correctness is for the weak minded

    Being politicly correct is not only useless, but ironic. Treating these target words as tabboo, obscene, vulgar, and abscenities prolongs their life as that which you would like to ...
Posted by The return of Spicy McRedbeard on Fri, 21 Oct 2005 02:12:00 PST

And now a word from our sponsers

To whom it may concern:   Accept me for who I am   This is not shameless self-promotion. I am not that shallow. I would just like to think I am not that difficult to get along with. I have m...
Posted by The return of Spicy McRedbeard on Mon, 17 Oct 2005 01:52:00 PST

all i see today; every god damned day. tedium is fun

Conjugations neg- lect the verb. Object noun not found List entry lost.   Holy pig shit bat- Man The leader follows a crowd. What? Original?   In translation lost. Language usage& invalid. ...
Posted by The return of Spicy McRedbeard on Thu, 06 Oct 2005 03:31:00 PST

and then

Carpentry isn't overrated, but the human trash that builds larger examples of non-human garbage definitely run in the realm of expendability. Suicide is not a vice, it is a virtue and should be regard...
Posted by The return of Spicy McRedbeard on Sat, 17 Sep 2005 12:01:00 PST

rot in hell

Hark The beauty of a fair maiden She holds venomous treachery too her beast As one would the life of a newborn   Thou jest me not Thy trespasses Jade me   Foul Spiteful hearts Heal not &n...
Posted by The return of Spicy McRedbeard on Mon, 12 Sep 2005 08:40:00 PST