Shooting the shit.
Alas, Stairway Denied no longer exists. ( I know, I know, "Zeppelin cover band" isn't the best hook. But you're just going to have to trust me on this one.
the Planet Earth series. Get it! also Manufactured Landscapes
n/a. seriously.
If you like great adventures, read "Shantaram" by Gregory David Roberts. It's about this guy who escapes from prison in Australia, becomes part of the Bombay mafia, fights in a war in Afghanistan, gets the shit beaten out of him a couple dozen times, and the whole thing's really about love and friendship and morality and humanity. It's great.If you like great adventures and political intrigue and spies and ingenious plots and great heroes and history and 17th century Japanese culture with samurai and shit, read "Shogun" by James Clavell.Anything else would be uncivilized.