I spend a lot of time thinking about the weirdest things. One night I contemplated the relavence of myself in the universe. I mean, do I really make a difference to the history of things if I eat that last cookie? Will that be the catalyst to cause World War III or will it help create the cure for stupidity?! The madness!!!!
Your mom.
I love Trip Hop, a lot. Morcheeba, Portishead, Skindvie, Etro Anime, and such. I dig jazz, lounge music, basically very chill things for a very chill person. Otherwise, Cradle of Filth is my favourite band!
Movies run in the order: Blade Runner, American Beauty, Eye of the Beholder, Closer, and Stigmata.
I like a lot of books, too many to name.
Angelina Jolie. Not only is she gorgeous but she has my future job; U.N. Embassador of Goodwill.