Lightsabers,Geetar&bass,Reading/writing,Stupid ppl hurting themselevs,knowledge,Being Nude,Muriatic Acid,Watercolors,fire,things that start with the letter "H" Jedi mind tricks,Religion,Xbox,fps,rpgs,ancient buildings.gothic architecture,Origami,burying my hands large sacks or rice,The rain.Japanesse Culture,Truth,Music,the beautifull forest's of Oregon....
AnakiN SkywalkeR(the Chosen one),Red man Or method or just the whole wutang clan..a Rose Magowan mermaid..A Vampire.Cyndie lauper(for all the years of hard work.Ren Hoek.Just ppl that are openminded and tolerant..
I would jot down all the music I like but that would just take way too long... anything heavy,catchy or just has a "kicken Creshendo"....I pretty much listen to everything cept mainstream rap and polka oh and country.
I love all sorts of Movies and Im starting to obtain a slightly respectfull looking collection going.I think Im up 2 about150 or so.see kids,see what happens when you give up the ganja?you have all this excess money.I hate money....and midgits.I hate them so very much so..
Adult Swim.sci-fi stuff.history channel,and of course My love affair with "Star Trek" Deep Space Nine.other than that TV is biased and full of bullshit that im almost sure makes ppl into degenerate, foolish,zombieish,overconsuming,capitalist pig-ppl.INFACT FUCK TV>FUCK TV UP ITS STUPID ASS..
Machiavellis The prince...Sun Tzu"s Art of waR.....Star Wars booKs..Mystery's of the unexplained,zombie survival guide.the bible...The gas we pass..fight club,mark twains stuff.brave new world.the god code,the girl who owned a city,robinson curruso,(old school but my first fav book"jermy thatcher dragon hatcher")the five sides of the pointed star,gattaca,the book of enoch and other "lost"chapters such as the dead sea scrolls,Sepher Yetzirah.Zohar.I tend to read often. ..
...Yahweh!!!!!Kaitlin Gomez aka Little Brown Gurl.Edgar Allen Poe,Me,Begaf of Tiss,,Jon Honey aka peeper Jon,Adam The Gothkid,DR Zayas,Hossinda,ManD,Gregory the manwhore,Black Tim,Rurouni Kenshin,Darth Vador,Natily Portman,George Lucas,and everyone that has taken they're own life...