~~Shawn~~ profile picture


Here For The Moment

About Me

Since you came to my page I'm assuming you want to know a little more about me....so I'll start by saying "Quit being so damn nosey!!" Hahaha
OK,OK, I guess I'll try to sum everything up the best I can.
My name is Shawn. I grew up in a little town called Kannapolis, NC. The early years flew by way to fast. I wish could could be 10 years old again. Once the teen years came I started a slight rebellion against my parents (Like I'm sure most of you did because parents are just not "cool" at that age). I became addicted to rap music...it was such a low point in my life. Eventually, I enrolled myself into a 12-step program and began to admit I had a problem. I finally realized my roots were planted firmly in the country...and that's where I've been for about 10 years now,and I've brought my wife of 7 years,Julie, along for the journey.
Once I came to grips with my 'redneckedness" I got a tattoo or two to reflect it (ok,so I'm up to 6 now,but who's counting?) Julie received her first tattoo long after I did and she currently has a few more than I do.
I enjoy sitting in my bedroom playing guitar. Why in the bedroom you ask? Well, I play in the bedroom because I have always had a very strong shyness that I have not been able to conquer. I've thought about hypno-therapy but I'm afraid I'll be stuck barking like a dog for the rest of my life.
I'm an active member of the APA (American Poolplayers Association) and have been for a few years now. My team has gone to the Vegas Qualifiers several times,but unfortunately we've failed to qualify. We'll get there one day I hope.
Well,I guess that's me in a nutshell. If you want to know more, just ask.

My Interests

Playing Guitar

Shooting Pool (not too bad at it if I do say so myself)

Fishing (Catfish mostly)

Video Games (Hey! They're not just for kids anymore)

Football (Go Panthers!)

Surfing The Internet


Modern Country (When it doesn't sound like Pop,Rap, Or Rascall Flatts)

Outlaw Country (Waylon, Willie, And The Boys)

Red Dirt Country (Stoney LaRue, Jason Boland, John D. Hale Band, Etc.)

Southern Rock (Lynyrd Skynyrd, Marshall Tucker, Etc.)


Poolhall Junkies




Prison Break

Mad TV


Any Channel Showing Football Or Billiards (That's "Pool" for my fellow rednecks)


Do magazines count?

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