I like stuff, especially stuff that contains music (creation, and/or listening/watching), Winnipeg, STARTING home renovations (anyone want to end some of mine), eating, my job (landscape architecture), running, that's about it.
I like people, there are very few that I have met that I haven't liked. "People are like planets, I don't know which planet I am, but I do know that I am K2..." I'd like to meet you if you get that reference....
I like that music, especially what used to be "alternative" music, now "indie" music, has decided that dancing is okay, or, dare I say, great. Who would have thought that you might want to actually tap a foot, sway from side to side, or nod your head to a rhythmic beat....go figure. I think that bands like Bloc Party, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, the Killers, etc... (which I love all of) are the new Me Mom and Morgentalers, Bourbon Tabernacle Choir, etc... (excuse the extensive Can-Con references) of yester-year. I don't believe in guilty pleasures, I'm going to lay that out right now, so my loving the music of Kelly Clarkson, or Lisa Loeb, or even the odd Nickleback song (I know I know), does not make me feel guilty a good song is a good song. The Wonderstuff is my one obsession band, I know it's goofy to stay as committed to them to this day, but what can I say, I've got a soft spot for them.
My taste in movies is apparently offensive. I like Snakes on a Plane but I just realized I can't leave it at that, it was really good, but it's not my FAVOURITE, opening weekend VERY good, the next week not as good, cause right now it's probably Rent, and ConAir, and a Mighty Wind and Moulin Rouge and Black Roses...
I'm not one to like a television show so much that I make sure I am home to watch it or think of taping it. The new show "Love Monkey" has made me do that, it used to be "Ed", that Tom Cavanaugh guy is great, everything he does (including CIBC) commercials seems to somehow make me relate to his plight. The show "Ed" certainly is very important to me.I think Six Feet Under was pretty amazing too, I highly anticipate seeing the last season on DVD when it comes out. (note: done...wonderful)That's the difference, there are shows that I really like but I am comfortable waiting for the no commercials DVD release, these are too numerous to mention, and in the end, I don't get the DVD's. I'm a lazy television watcher...sorry.
The Milk Chicken Bomb - Andrew Wedderburn