pLaYbOi#1 i If YoU dOn'T lIKe Me tHeN U CaN LiCk Me CaUsE DaMn I TaStE GoOd I tAsTe JuSt LiKe CaNdY!!!!!!!
Blazing it with the BIG BAD REALMSTR!! kicking it with my Sisters Star and Jasper Being an alcoholic with Star Phil Lil And Realmstr!!!!! hell yeah I'm usually making some business with Hotties on the Phone!!! I'm planning my Hoe-tel party @ vegas!!!!! I love to sneak out and SMOKiNgSOMe HERBS!!!
I love BeYoNcE(NaUgHtY GiRl!!!!) and PiTbUlL.....(tHe CuLo SoNg!!!!!) AnY tHiNg tHaT MaKeS My BoOtY ShAkE aNd Go LoW 2 Da FlOoR YoU KnOw WhAt I MeAn!!!
SiMpLe LiFe (ThaT's Me), PiMp My RiDe ( my PiMp MoBiLe), TrL, aNd AnyThing That InTeResTiNg!!!
I dOn't LeArN By ReAdInG I LeArN By DoInG It
BeYoNcE, PaRiS HiLtOn, AnD oF CoUrSe tHe pLaYbOi PlAyMaTeS!!!!!!