Català :Nebulah neix al agost de 2006 de la mà de Andrés (ex-Cauldron) i amb l..ajuda de Miky va decidir donar vida a un nou projecte de metal extrem.
Per aquells temps la banda estaba batejada sota el nom de Ad Infernum.
Fou amb l..entrada dels següents membres com són: Dani (ex- Haemophagia ); Sergi (Agon). I per últim, el baterÃa Franky (ex-Logos/ex-Elmoth) que es decideix canviar el nom pel de Nebulah.
Durant aquell any, Nebulah el formavem: Andrés (veus), Dani (guitarra i veus), Sergi (guitarra), Miky (baix) i Franky (baterÃa).
Un any després, a l..agost del 2007, Miky és obligat a deixar la banda per problemes dins del grup, sent substituït rà pidament pel nou baixista, Javi.
Desembre de 2007, Nebulah edita la primera demo batejada sota el nom de Paths Of Carnage. Obtenint molt bones respostes per part del públic nacional i internacional, també de les revistes especialitzades dins del underground extrem. Dita demo fou produïda, mesclada i masteritzada pel Gerard Porqueres, guitarrista dels nostres amics incondicionals, Haemophagia.
La música que practiquem i que queda reflectida en aquesta demo, és un fred, pessat, rà pid i fosc Death Metal amb elements del Black Metal, tant de la vella escola com de les tendències actuals, intentant obtenir i produÃr un só i un estil propis i que creiem hem aconseguit satisfactoriament.
Nebulah parla sobre hipocresÃa, agonÃa i de la desolació del món. També sobre la soletat de les persones i de la por de quedar-se sols en els moments més difÃcils, sobre les doctrines i sobre la manipulació per part de la polÃtica.
Parlem sobre la hipocresia que hi ha al món, sobre doctrines (falses) que en certa manera t..obliguen a seguir, a creure. Hi han temes que parlen sobre la mort, i les falses creences humanes, sobre religions...
_English:Nebulah was formed in September 2006 by Andrés (ex-Cauldron), then known as Ad Infernum. Little by little and with the help of Miky, the group took shape as a new extreme metal band, one with many goals ahead of it to be achieved.It wasn’t until the other members of the group joined -Dani (ex-Haemophagia), Sergi (Agon) and Franky (ex-Logos/ ex-Elmoth)- that they decided to change their name to Nebulah and to keep the number of components to a solid block of five.
During 2006, the band was made up as follows: Andrés (vocals), Dani (guitar and backing vocals), Sergi (guitar), Miky (bass) and Franky (drums). A year later, Miky had to leave due to differences between him and the core of the group; he was immediately replaced by the current bassist, Javi.In December 2007, Nebulah produced their first demo. Entitled Paths of Carnage, the rough cut received a very favourable response from the public both in Spain and abroad, and the group actually appeared in a number of magazines specialising in the extreme underground. This demo was recorded, produced, mixed and mastered by Gerard Porqueres, guitarist of their staunch friends, Haemophagia.The music they play and which can be appreciated in this demo, is a cold, dark, heavy and fast and resounding death metal with shades of black metal, both from the old school as well as from the latest tendencies. In addition to this, they provide their own personal touch, trying to produce a style and sound of their own, which they have satisfactorily achieved, believe me.Nebulah is all about despair, loneliness, agony and not having anyone nearby at the most difficult moments. They also deal with the godforsaken world it has fallen to their lot to live in, or better said, survive. Their aim is to open up the eyes of all those subjected to hypocrisy, the control religious doctrines exert over them and the manipulation of the political world.
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