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Shadow Star

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My fav. things to do is: swim, be outdoors, hanging with friends, listening to music, reading, writing, daydreaming, and staring up at the stars. I dislike those who are closed minded toward other people about their beliefs, etc... I don't like ppl who are racist or stereotype or prejudice. Also, I dislike those that pretend to be Pagan or Wiccan but practice devil worship or use itz symbol (the upside down star in a circle). These ppl r not real wiccans/pagans and I wish that ppl would get their information correct so others do not get confused or misinformed. Now, about me, I am 19 yrs old as of July, 2005. My Sun Sign is Leo the Lion and my Moon Sign is Aquarius the Water Carrier. I have brown hair, I'm 5'3", and have hazel eyes which change colors depending on what I'm wearing that day. I have studied Wicca for 6 yrs now and am studying on how to improve on my healing ability (which I have been aware of almost all my life but can't really control very great).This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5My KICKASS ONLINE NOW ICON was made with this trusty site Myspace Help ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your soul is broken.
You are living through a lot of pain everyday
that you have to deal with, which is making you
sorrowful. No one ever stays by your side when
you truly need them and no one ever will.
Everything is hopeless and tragic and you keep
yearning for the day you will be free from
pain. Love is unlikely to happen to you because
you isolate yourself and are suspicious of
peoples motives. You stand in the shadows of
the world, watching what you can never have.
The bruises you carry never seems to heal, your
mind is dark and no one seems to understand or
wants to help. As always, you will be alone in
the world, fighting your dark thoughts by
How is your soul? [pics]
brought to you by Quizilla ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*-Senphedre! -* A Senphedre is a mysterious dragon, it is like a
huge snake with arms and wings. They often keep
to themselfs, but have a circle of friends.
Good luck trying to understand one!
Wich of the 4 Dragon types are you?
brought to you by Quizilla ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your element is Ice. This element may seem a little
odd, but this is a side-effect from when the
element of Water gets too hurt. Once you were a
content soul, and happy with life. But then
something happened. Not necessarily on one day,
it probably happened gradually over time. You
lost your will to care and became even more
reserved from the world. People had hurt you in
ways you do not want to remember and now you
isolate yourself from them. You have turned
into an outsider and probably dress more in
black than you used to. Your depression is
eating you up and tearing you apart and the
worst part is that no one is willing to help,
or so it seems. In school you are often by
yourself or one single friend and you rarely
seem to be truly happy anymore. Your sad,
distant eyes and constant frown seems glued to
your face and you need a saviour from this
world. You may turn to music for understanding
and sing/scream along in the lyrics to get rid
of some pain. You are not very open about your
problems to your family/friends, and wish that
they would just notice it and make it go away.
Rate and message!
What is your element? [with pics + detailed answers]
brought to you by Quizilla ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *~*SAILOR SATURN*~* You are Sailor Saturn.
You have very few friends
whom you trust. You are a loner and have
probably been hurt in your past so you've
decided to shut yourself out from all the other
people in the world. You are very shy and hate
to get up in front of others. You aren't the
type to walk up to a person and introduce
yourself. They have to come to you first. You
think love is just a game or something that is
the most painful thing in the world. Why put
yourself though it? You have tall walls
protecting you. It is time that you slowly put
down those walls and let more people get to
know you, who knows! You might make a friend
for life.
Color: Black/Gray
Gem: Black pearl
What Are You In Your Group Of Friends: The
quiet/shy one
Power: Death/Destruction
Which Sailor Scout Are You? (Detailed Answers)
brought to you by Quizilla ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||| 23%
Stability |||||||||||| 46%
Orderliness |||||||||||| 46%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Interdependence |||||||||||| 50%
Intellectual |||||||||||||| 56%
Mystical |||||||||||||||| 63%
Artistic |||||||||||| 43%
Religious |||||||||||||| 56%
Hedonism |||||| 23%
Materialism |||||||||||||||| 70%
Narcissism |||||||||| 36%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 50%
Work ethic |||||||||| 36%
Self absorbed |||||| 30%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||| 43%
Need to dominate |||||||||||| 43%
Romantic |||||||||||| 43%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 63%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||||| 63%
Wealth |||||| 23%
Dependency |||||||||||||||| 70%
Change averse |||||||||||||| 56%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Individuality |||||||||||||| 56%
Sexuality |||||| 30%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Physical security |||||| 30%
Physical Fitness || 10%
Histrionic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Paranoia |||||||||||| 50%
Vanity |||||||||||| 43%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||| 70%
Female cliche |||||||||| 36% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by
Stability results were medium which suggests you are moderately relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Orderliness results were medium which suggests you are moderately organized, hard working, and reliable while still remaining flexible, efficient, and fun.
Extraversion results were low which suggests you are very reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.
trait snapshot:
does not make friends easily, secretive, introverted, reclusive, observer, dislikes leadership, somewhat socially awkward, does not like to stand out, dislikes large parties, values solitude, solitary, avoidant, ambivalent about fitting in, not dominant, unassertive, suspicious, prudent, unadventurous, worrying, weird, intellectual, frequently second guesses self. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You scored as Celtic Pantheonic Pagan. Your answers leaned very
close to that of the Celtic Pantheon. Very popular now among pagans,
the Celtic Gods seem to draw those who are sensitive and insightful,
but also very passionate about their beliefs. Many Pagan Holidays are
named for this pantheon and here is where you'll find many stories on
Horned God, Green Man, and Druids. You likely either have been or
want to visit Stonehenge one day. Many Arthurian legnds include
references to the Celtic faith, as well.

Celtic Pantheonic Pagan


Ecclectic Pagan


Eastern Pagan


Roman Pantheonic Pagan


Shamanic Pagan


Zoroastrian Pagan


Catholic (Pagan?)


Kabbalistic Pagan


Norse Pantheonic Pagan (Asatru)


Greek Pantheonic Pagan


Egyptian Pantheonic Pagan


Sumerian, Babylonian, and Mesopotamian Pagans

What kind of Pagan are you?
created with ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You scored as You are a Vampiric Elf!. Congratulations my friend! You are a Vampiric Elf. Your kind are few and far between! Your hobbies include drinking the blood of innocent victims or just draining it and mixing it with herbs and spices. You were once one of the noblest of white magic creatures but you turned against those who you loved, most likely because of lost love, and turn yourself into their greatest fear to punish them all!

You are a Vampiric Elf!


Fallen Angel




You are a Demon


Black Witch

What creature of the night are you you most like? (Pics!!)
created with ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My Interests

I like all things celestial and the idea of living out in space sumday and meeting other beings that inhabit other planets or galaxies far away. I love all animals but mainly cats, foxes, and wolves. Black cats always seem to bring me good luck instead of the common belief that they bring bad luck. I also like sea animals and graceful they seem to be and how free their lives are, getting to go or travel anywhere they please. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~*~Result nr 3~*~

Your power is: The ability to fly

Explanation: This powers speaks pretty
much for itself. Though you don't need wings
for this power,you can fly anyway. Some people
may consider it as telekinesis since they can
also fly, but you can't make material things
move like they can. This ability could be a
relaxing activity when you want to get away
from everyday troubles. Also it is good when
sneaking upon an enemy since it makes no sound.
When going over to the "dark side"
the power could be used to harrass and break
into building through windows etc.
You are quite similar to this power since you
like to have your head in the clouds.
Supernatural things amuse while ordinary life
does not. If your daydreaming has gotten a
little too far you might be zooned out all the
time, even when you are having a conversation.
Your desires and/or goals tend to be
unrealistic even if you know those would
probably never happen. Travelling is something
you would be interested in doing since seeing
exotic scenery fits with your fantasies of
escaping your plain life. You can also have
some creative ability (writer, playing an
instrumen etc) that interests you.
Negative aspects: The whole reason you
may be escaping life could be fear of being let
down by it. So if that would come to happen,
and an important dream had been crushed you
could get depressed.

What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results]
brought to you by Quizilla ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blue:
Your soul is calm and vague. You are the
dreamer, the one with your head in the clouds.
Always looking at the deeper meanings of
things, you can also be very logical. You are
also more likely to be depressed, and self

What color represents your soul?
brought to you by Quizilla ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your element is Shadow: Indifferent, unusual,
gentle and a complete mystery. No one tends to
know quite what to think of you because you
camouflage your emotions so incredibly well,
almost as well as your thoughts. You are
unpredictable in that no one knows exactly what
your going to do or what your capable of and
you've made sure they never will. You are quite
the wallflower but deep down inside is a kind
and very intelligent person. You are capable of
love but unless you let some light into your
shadowed life you'll have a hard time with your
relationships. People are a mystery only
because they all seem too superficial, you
would rather be somewhere else, away from all
the noise perhaps putting your feelings into a
form of art, maybe writing your feelings into a
poem or journal, or perhaps painting a picture.
The shadows make you feel comfortable and you
don't like to step outside your comfort zone or
let anyone else in, the spotlight terrifies
you. You are truly a mystery.

.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
brought to you by Quizilla ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What class of vampire are you? (more new images!)
Succubine / Incubine Fang, the third class of vampire. You are lusty and manipulative. Your servants are none, except for those you have captured for pleasure. Your power is the ability to control minds. You are just a wee bit of a slut, but we'll let it pass. You're just trying to get by.
Take this quiz !

Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I'd like to meet:

I would like to get to know others who share my interests or just ppl who would like to talk and chat. But please, no hate mail or ppl that want to "save my soul". I've had too much of that in school and would definetly not appreciate it now. I get along w/ almost ne1, so if u wanna chat then go ahead, I'd love to hear from u. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Though you probably already know this, you
are a very creative individual. You are able to
see the greatest of creations in even the
littlest of objects and that makes you truly
unique. This world could really use more
artists such as yourself. Since you have such a
strong and broad grasp of what is possible, the
best psychic ability for you would be the
capability to foresee the future:

.:What Is Your Psychic Ability?:.
brought to you by Quizilla ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lost:
You are really in love, aren't you? You have a
dark side to love, but that leads to a greater
meaning to love. You have never felt soooo much
with someone, it's so surprising. You might even
kill yourself 1000 times over for them. Your
life revolves around loving them, and it's even
hard to go to sleep at night. Without them, you
feel like a mindless spirit walking the
streets. You wouldn't know what to do without
them. I guess you can call this Gothic love.
Good for you, you finaly found a meaning to

What kiss, do you hold on your lips? (Anime pics, and 12 out comes)
brought to you by Quizilla ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your Japanese name should be

which means "calm".
somewhat quiet and a bit of a wall flower,
maybe even shy. People usually don't really
notice you or don't pay much attention to you
and you just wish they did. You're a calm
person and don't need a busy social life, but
you'd like to have just a few more friends.
You're probably quite intelligent.

Which Japanese name fits you best? [females, 9 results + absolutely stunning ANIME pictures!]
brought to you by Quizilla ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Take the quiz: "the real test....are you bi les or strai...18 questions"

Bi Curious
you think about guys alot but you think about gurls probably arent ever gonna actuallie do anithing with a gurl but you may think bout it...nothin wrong with that!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your word is innocent.. You don't want to hurt
anyone, and you always do things you can. You
wouldn't do something anyone prohibit. And your
shy. You're a good friend, and you don't have
many friends but good ones ^^

Whats your word?(Anime pics)(Updated...)
brought to you by Quizilla


The dark, night sky is your element. Although it's
not really considered an element. You are a
dark and mysterious person. Just like the night

What is your element?( for girls /pretty anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla


My fav. movie of course has to be Harry Potter. Not just becuz it has to deal with witchcraft and sorcery, but becuz it shows part of the truth of Wicca. That it is good and can only go bad if it is intended to be so by the person who casts the spell. My other fav. movies are Coyote Ugly, The Surge, The Craft, Mortal Kombat, The Matrix, Star Wars, Thirteen, Lord of the Rings, and many others.


My fav. books are the Acorna series and The Dragon Riders of Pern series, both written by Anne McCaffery. I also like to read Anime, my fav. being Chobits which are about Persocoms (Personal Computers) that are made to look like human beings. And the Anime books, Psychic Academy.


Winter-You belong in the season of winter for your
bad additude.
What season do you belong in?(Gurlz only)
brought to you by Quizilla ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Shadow Neko-You are a Shadow Neko you are trapped
within yourself you love the darkness and you
are someone of great skills and talent.
Awesome. Rate and Message Me.
Which Celestial being resides in you?(Girls Only){With Pics!}
brought to you by Quizilla ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ July: Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and
to be understood. Quiet unless excited or
tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation.
Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about
people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly.
Approachable. Emotional temperamental and
unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and
sparkly. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never
forgets. Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary
things. Guides others physically and mentally.
Sensitive and forms impressions carefully.
Caring and loving. Treats others equally.
Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp.
Judges people through observations.
Hardworking. No difficulties in studying.
What does your birth month reveal about you? (read memo)
brought to you by Quizilla ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solitary Wolf
You are mostly a loner, because you yearn freedom,
like the Solitary wolf. Your soul and heart are
a mystery. You still have friends, who are
close to you. Youre usually just hidden in the
background. The moon is wat you relate to.
What is your Spirit Creature ?(Mythical creatures Pics!!)
brought to you by Quizilla

My Blog

New Job!!!

Yay! I'm so excited, today I went in for my interview and immediately got the job! I'll be working anywhere from 5 1/2 - 7 1/2 hours per day and will be getting $11.46/hour. So even at 5 1/2 hours,...
Posted by Shadow Star on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 09:15:00 PST


I hate life.  Just when u think things r going good, everything does a 180* and completely turns around.  After having my baby I started searching around looking for a new job.  One tha...
Posted by Shadow Star on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 12:34:00 PST

My Beautiful Baby

On 2/14/06, my baby wuz born.  His name is Aiden, he has a blondish-red hair, and blue eyes (however it is known for a baby's hair and eye color to change l8r).  He is very alert and strong ...
Posted by Shadow Star on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 08:33:00 PST

My Unborn Baby

I'm now 7 months pregnant and the baby is kicking around more than ever.  And for those of u who are curious to know the sex of it, itz a boy (but I really wanted a girl most of all ).  I'm ...
Posted by Shadow Star on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 11:33:00 PST


I've lost everything I've cared about.  Half of my family took away the one thing that wuz dear to me, my boyfriend, becuz they believed he wuz no good for me.  The other half makes me feel ...
Posted by Shadow Star on Wed, 07 Sep 2005 10:20:00 PST

The Wiccan Rede

 THE WICCAN REDE: Bide ye wiccan laws you must, in perfect love and perfect trust. Live ye must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give. Form the circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spir...
Posted by Shadow Star on Thu, 18 Aug 2005 05:55:00 PST