what to write here hummmmm let me think..... well i enjoy going out with my friends clubbin, shoppin, actually anything associated with alcohol and dancing! i also enjoy the odd occassion the whole family go out and embarrass ourselves in restraunts! i love going to italy and seeing the rest of my family (shame i hardly understand a bleeding word they say) i enjoy swimming, surfing the net, talking to my budz on msn! Goin out gettin PISSED (also works rather well.)
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CSI - it amazes me
Desperate housewives - OMG the DRAMA!
Grays Anatomy! yummy doctors!
Nip/Tuck - again the DRAMA
Prison Break! ummmm wentworth!
Shameless - gotta love the skanks of society (lol set in my city) ahhh wellSkins! poshies
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I enjoy anything by James PattersonJessica Rabbit haha dont ask but how sexy???? YOU NOOOOOOOOO!