Vikktor Tehleet profile picture

Vikktor Tehleet

never want to be... the hero of your fight &copy ISC

About Me

Hello, I am what I am. Not good & not bad. I live in Tyumen, Russian Federation. This is small town in West Siberia. Yeah, some times there is really cold ;)
okie, I'm continuing to talk a bosh :) I really love music.. No, rather talk that I love sound, 'cuz I also love noise. I listen to the sound, I create sound. Yeah, in my 20 years I had to create a great deal in many genres: punk, 2step & D'n'B, IDM, experimental electronic, dark ambient & martial industrial, dark elektro & futurepop... In some projects I played with my friends, in others - alone.
Nowadays, I have 2 projects: 1st is noise act titled Nuclear DNA (nDNA) . This is sound of dark atmospheres with many acoustic noises. 2nd project did not yet begin actually. Together with a friend ( De Gauss ) I will play more intelligent industrial. More news is coming soon ;).
Hey, I almost forgot to mention about another project which I created, but presently kicked off. This is H.O.i. 3 - noise project. Dunno, how it works now...
This is all about me & music.

Now I will write something about myself. :) I love my life! Yeah, it is not easy, but true.

If you want to contact with me another way than MySpace IM, you can write me a massage to
ICQ :: 208376697.
WLM (a.k.a MSN) :: [email protected]
YIM :: [email protected]
GTalk :: main.device
Skype :: dystopian_unit

My Interests

aesthetic, anarcho punk, avant-garde, bastards, bdsm, bodmod, carlos castaneda, cologne, cosey fanni tutti, dadaism, dark ambient, depression, deutschpunk, douglas adams, ebm, electro-industrial, erich fromm, erotique, experimental, fetish, foot fetish, freaks, french kisses, friedrich nietzsche, gadgets, gonzo journalistics, horhe borhes, howard p. lovecraft, idm, industrial, insane, japan, julio cartasar, korg, leipzig, life, love, neoclassic, neofolk, new york, noise, opensuse, piercing, post punk, psychedelic, punk rock, quentin crisp, ray bradbury, sex, spider jerusalem, ss, suicide, synthesizers, tattoo, tequila, terror, the new scum, tokyo, transmetropolitan, trip-hop, underground, unique, warren ellis, waste the time, web serfing, william burroughs, zen-buddhism, брюнетки, вокзалы, готовить еду, декаданс, депрессия, дзен-буддизм, ежедневно влюбляться, есть по ночам, змеи, керлинг, китобои на луне, книги, концептуализм, меня интересуют только мыши, минимализм, мир в кармане, много думать, мяусо, небо, нигилизм, огонь, панды, поезда, политика, промышленная архитектура, прохлада, регби, ритуалы, самостоятельность, социология, страдать, суицид, технологии промывки мозгов, тишина, трещины, фотография, чай с бергамотом, черно-белое фото, черное нефильтрованное пиво, черный юмор, шамбала, шоковая тактика, эгоцентризм, экзистенциализм, эстетика

I'd like to meet:

with many unique persons, who look at this world not like other people. In particular I'd like to meet with Cosey Fanni Tutti, Chris Carter, Peter Christopherson, David Tibet, Genesis P-Orridge, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Danijela, Klaus & Rene Jochim, Johan Levin, Gary Zon, Sascha Konietzko, Sina Hübner, Dennis Ostermann, Daniel Graves, Dita Von Teese <...>


I like many artists, bands and projects from differnt styles such as: different forms of ambient (fav. is dark, drone and ritual), punk rock (like deutschpunk, electro-, ska-, anarcho- and hardcore punk), (power) noise, experimental, minimal, industrial (old school), post-industrial (now I think almost music of this style not serious, but maybe except few projects), psychedelic, trance (dark psy, full-on and a lil goa), hardcore (speedcore, breakcore, hardstyle etc.), d'n'b (darkside)...


Black Hawk Down, Den Brysomme Mannen, The Call of Cthulhu, The Corpse Bride, Edward Scissorhands, Fight Club, From Dask Till Dawn, Hable con Ella, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, I'm Kiborg but that's OK, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Kantoku · Banzai!, Kill Bill vol. 1 & 2, Kin-Dza-Dza, Knockin' On Heaven's Door, The Name of the Rose, Pulp Fiction, QATSI, Requiem for a Dream, Reservoir Dogs, The Ring, Ro.Go.Pa.G., Le Scaphandre et le papillon, Schindler's List, Sin City, Stalker, V for Vendetta


Douglas Adams, Jorhe Borhes, Ray Bradbury, William Burroughs, Carlos Castaneda, Julio Cartasar, Quentin Crisp, Warren Ellis, Erich Fromm, Alexandr Griboedov, Mikhail Lermontov, Howard P. Lovecraft, Friedrich Nietzsche

My Blog

Cheak it1

Posted by Vikktor Tehleet on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 06:07:00 PST

Half Life for 1 min

Posted by Vikktor Tehleet on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 12:51:00 PST

2H Company - photos

Hahahaha .. I so drunken...
Posted by Vikktor Tehleet on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 12:26:00 PST

lj & me now together
Posted by Vikktor Tehleet on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 12:02:00 PST

Live gig: 2H Company

Check this: guys awesome!!!P.S.: coming soon photos from this party :)...
Posted by Vikktor Tehleet on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 10:59:00 PST

Happy Birthday, Claus!

happy birthday, dear Claus!your music is another occasion, to live in this severe world ...
Posted by Vikktor Tehleet on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 11:01:00 PST

Happy Birthday, Cosey!

Posted by Vikktor Tehleet on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 11:11:00 PST


Posted by Vikktor Tehleet on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 05:32:00 PST

Live gig: Roman Rain & Otto Dix

today I visited the live show of two projects: Roman Rain and Otto Dix. Voice of vocalist and unique participant of Roman Rain is so magnificent! Conservatory musical education gives about itself to k...
Posted by Vikktor Tehleet on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 10:48:00 PST


Yes! I done it! My profile really kicks ass ;) *I'm not serious*
Posted by Vikktor Tehleet on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 01:46:00 PST