im me: xGEEzLOuEEzX
GRRRRRRRRR home - message - add - view pictures - friends - comments - blogTHE KISS
That thing, that moment when you kiss someone and everything around you becomes hazy. And the only thing in focus is you and this person. And you realize that that person is the only person that you are supposed to kiss for the rest of your life. And for one moment, you get this amazing gift, and you wanna laugh and you wanna cry. Because you feel so lucky that you found it, but so scared that it will go away all at the same time.
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Help Stop Global Warming
There is alot you can personally do to stop global warming. Changing a light buld, you may consider insignificant. Well, did you know by changing a regular light bulb with a fluoresent light will save 150 punds of carbon per year. If you would like to know more about how you can help. visit: WWW.CLIMATECRISIS.NETAbout me.
Where i am
Where I'm Going
In 3 years I am moving to L.A. to start my fashion empire! (yes, it will be an empire!)
Im working on not being a bitch.
I actually, had a very long (4 hour) conversation about morals. MY eyes are open to the fact that no one is the same, and just because someone may look a certain way doesn't mean they are a bad person. I no longer judge people on how they look or dress, I am going to get to know people before i have any REASON to judge them.
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Myspace no longer "owns" my life, yeah I may have 2 thousand some odd friends, but in reality how many of them are actually my FRIEND? About 40 or so. Myspace is just a big popularity contest and Im done with it. I dont want to be popular on myspace. Being the most popular person on Myspace is like being the smartest person with downsyndrome.
I graduate in like around 50 days (school days), EXCITED MUCH?? DUH
I really have nothing else to say, im pretty laid back and I like to have fun. Talk to me if you want or dont. either way.