I would like to meet the 100+ people that look at my profile daily. :)Ale prvy... Hl'adam slovaks tu v kansas city. Kde je????? I'm always looking for someone that hails from slovakia, the slovak republic, slovensko... But, any other euro is cool with me...Czech,Croatian,Austrian,Hungarian,Bosnian,Serbian,Slove nian... Maybe even a Russian or two... I'm one of those people that believe the world is pretty small so I can have friends anywhere, but I'd really like to meet someone who has "time" to travel with me.....
LASKA, BOZE, LASKA Laska, boze, laska, kde ta ludia beru? Na hore nerasties, v poli ta neseju. Lubosti, lubosti, mala som ta dosti, ale ta uz nemam, ani medzi prsty. Keby sa ta laska, na brale rodila, nejedna panenka hlavu by zlomila. Ale sa ta laska na bralach nerodi, nejedna panenka bez lasky chodi.