One big interest of mine is what would death metallers not commonly scream out. A drama athelete from the UK claims that "I am feeling very happy" is the fundamental phrase. I am now on a quest to find something that can beat that. Candidate phrases include "I'm sorry, but this tofu is undercooked", "I think celine dion's voice is very soothing", and simply the word "Periwinkle".
Other more gratifying projects include a sci-fi show done with Half Life 2 (machinima), and just tapping the keys on my pianos and hoping for the best.
My mirror image
A little bit of this, a little bit of that. From Astro Zombies to White Zombie to everything in between. I'm one of those broad music lover types.
You know, the typical artsy films, scifi and fantasy films, adult cartoons, the occaisonal action film that is done with a certain level of class and dignity, and 80ies teen movies of course.
I will not be affected by social stigma. I like Star Trek. Fuck you...
I really don't read as much as I should. I could actually sum it up. Dune, Starship Troopers, Moon is a Harsh Mistress, 1984, Animal Farm, The Long Walk, Le Petite Prince