art n music. church. learning new things.ANYTHING nerdy.. FAMILY - I like hangin out with my nephews and neices and my cuzzo's. having good times with friends and making new ones. I LOVE USELESS FACTS! like, what's the difference from a lake and a pond. or... why do birds tend to stand on one leg when sleeping? (ask me for the answers) hehe. multimedia work, djing, sports, painting shoes, oh and did I mention EATING!
The person who invented the yo-yo in philippines so i can ask him what he was thinking to use it as a weapon! ha..
I listen to it all. I love worship music, gospel and r&b. Hip-hop junkie @ heart but pretty much anything from country to flamenco to latin acid jazz and rock. Talib, J5, dela, roots, gypsy kings, lauryn hill, bob marley, the shins, switchfoot. I like stevie wonder, brian mcknight, chicago, mr. big and some other smooth classics. Blackstreet, Keith Sweat, Bel Biv, Boys II men, and of course brian Mcknight. Something thats great to stay awake with when you're on a long drive or something! too many to name. Can't get enough music in my life - if its not listening to music then its makin music and/or playin an instrument. i play all kinds of instruments - just ask me... I don't want my fingers to go limp. There's not too many folks who have drum practice tracks and a buncha instrumentals in his car haha.
i'm a BIG on movies. Some fav's are Count of monte cristo, Wedding singer, 50 first dates, saving silverman, lock stock and two smoking barrels. stephen chow movies.. rabert rodriguez films.. count of monte cristo... mad hot ballroom.. city of god.. pulp fiction.. fight club... one flew over the kookoo's nest ...clockwork orange...momento.. apocolypse now...requiem for a dream.. pi...japanese films like samurai fiction, naked weapon, 3 iron... and of course matrix, LOTR, starwars and all the many nerdy classics. I have way to much to list and once again.. i don't want my fingers to go fat.
family guy, chappelle's show, friends, simpsons and futurama, conan obrien, anything on tlc or the discovery channel or the animal channel or the food network. american idol and now, TFC Channels .. yes, wowowee!! **Boom tarat tarat!!*
Tha Bible, do penguins have knees, useless knowledge, the straight dope. computer books and a buncha magazines too.
my lolo. toughest man i know. My parents. taught me and molded me more than they realize.